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Releases: gitmachtl/scripts

Update 2025-02 - cli10.4.0.0 and enhanced stake-key queries

11 Feb 14:33
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Whats new?

cardano-cli introduced a breaking change in the stake-address-info query. this update addresses this update and also brings more query details and enhanced security for stakekey deregistration.

  • // was updated to query govActionDeposits via koios in light mode. also the govAction query was refined to only return active proposals

  • // shows more information about the stake-address: if there are rewards, if there is a pool delegation, if there is a drep delegation, if the stakeaddress is used in a governance action deposit. in conway era (protocolversion10) there is now a check that rewards can only be claimed if the address is delegated to a drep

  • & // shows more information about the stake-address: if there are rewards, if there is a pool delegation, if there is a drep delegation, if the stakeaddress is used in a governance action deposit. in case it is used in gov actions, a list of the actions will be listed

  • // has now the same enhanced outputs about the stakeaddress as in order to protect funds, there is a double-check included if the stakeaddress is used as the deposit refund address in an ongoing governance action. if this is the case, the script will prevent the user from generating a stake-address-retirement certificate.

  • new minimum version of cardano-cli is now

  • new minimum version of cardano-signer is now 1.22.0 (needed for CIP8/30 witnesses in governance metadata)

  • cardano-signer binary was updated to v1.22.1

Screenshots with enhanced details
image from preventing the user to retire a stake-address while its used in governance action deposits

Update-2025-01 - Show CC names in action summaries

27 Jan 21:03
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Whats new?

  • includes now a list of CC-ColdHashes and there council names. This is included for Mainnet and PreProd-Testnet. The list is used to generate the CC-HotHashes list and there council names from the latest registration infos.

  • and are now showing the names of CC members that have voted with there CC-Hot-Keys. The names appear in the YES, NO, ABSTAIN columns right below the counts.


  • The CC total voting power calculation has been optimized to actually count authorized and active CC members

  • ❗ cardano-cli version is currently limited to max. version 10.3.99, because most likely will introduce a breaking change in the stake-address-info query output

SPO Scripts - Plomin Hardfork

15 Jan 09:36
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SPO Scripts for Governance on Cardano MainNet

🔥 All scripts have been updated to work with node 10.1.4 and cli 🔥

Last changes:

  • More detailed output for the current voting results in both scripts (see attached image)

  • Pool-Default-Voting behavior via the Pool-Rewards-Account delegation is now taken into account for calculating correct voting results

  • Calculating AutoAbstain for inactive dRep-VotingPower is now taken into account for calculating correct voting results

  • Script 24c now also checks the content of the Action-AnchorURL

  • The script are now showing an "expired" notice if your KoiosAPI-Key is expired, which would cause query errors.

  • Node 10.1.4 is now the minimum version (Hotfix-Version)

  • CLI 10.2.0 is now the minimum version (adds needed queries)

  • Cardano-Signer binary updated to version 1.21.0

SPO Scripts - Governance for MainNet

01 Sep 12:37
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SPO Scripts for Governance on Cardano MainNet

🔥 All scripts have been updated to work with node 9.1.0 and cli 🔥

A detailed release-log will follow, but here are some of the added scripts:


Cardano-signer is now v1.18.0 to support Governance-Metadata verification on the fly

SPO Scripts for Node 9.0.0 (Mainnet)

14 Jul 08:42
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SPO Scripts for node 9.0.0 & cli on Mainnet

🔥 All scripts have been updated to work with node 9.0.0 and cli 🔥

❗ NOTICE-1: For Ledger HW-Wallet users, at the time of the commit, the Cardano-App 7.1.x for Ledger release was still pending. However, you can load it anyway via Ledger-Live by going into the Settings -> Experimental Features -> My Ledger Provider = 3. This will give you the opportunity to load Cardano-App 7.1.0.

❗ NOTICE-2: This commit is only a subset of updated scripts for conway era. The governance scripts (starting with 2*.sh) will be published into the mainnet folder once the light-mode is also working with koios support.

Some of the changes:

  • Min. Node- and CLI-Version is now 9.0.0

  • The requirement for 'curl' is removed in offline-mode

  • The currentEpoch offline calculation was corrected to support unusual byron-era epoch/slot lengths

  • The currentSlot/Tip offline calculation was corrected to support unusual byron-era epoch/slot lengths

  • Parameter Support added for .coinsPerUTxOByte

  • Added offline support for governance

  • updated fee calculation

  • can encrypt/decrypt DRep and CC-Hot/CC-Cold keys

  • now shows a DRep delegation for stake accounts

  • updated fee calculation

  • updated fee calculation

  • now supports DRep entries and takes care of last action IDs and the constitution values

  • now also signs the tx with the staking.skey, thats a new requirement for conway-era

  • now also shows a DRep delegation

  • added errorcheck for onDiekKESStart

  • enhanced error message if there is no xxx.pool.json file present

  • updated fee calculation

  • updated fee calculation

  • updated fee calculation

  • udpated fee calculation

  • was removed, the normal can be used

  • updated fee calculation

  • updated fee calculation

  • better error handling if there was no data found on the metadata server

  • and was removed, will be done via governance info-actions in the future

  • cardano-signer version bumped to v1.16.1

  • updated with the new minimum versions

SPO Scripts for node 9.0.0 (Testnet)

09 Jul 08:45
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SPO Scripts for node 9.0.0 & cli on Testnet

🔥 All scripts have been updated to work with node 9.0.0 and cli 🔥

This is a testnet release, detailed changelogs will follow with the mainnet release.

SPO Scripts Light-Mode

17 Dec 12:53
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SPO Scripts 17-12-2023

🔥 New Feature - LIGHT-Mode, running the SPO Scripts without a local node 🔥

This is an exciting new feature in the SPO Scripts. Before we had two operational modes, Online-Mode and Offline-Mode. Now we have an additional one, the Light-Mode.

So whats this Light-Mode? If you switch the scripts into Light-Mode - see below how easy it is to do so - you have the advantage of being online with your machine, but you don't
need a running synced cardano-node. You can switch between Networks Mainnet, PreProd and PreView within seconds.

This comes is handy if you just don't want to install and run a cardano-node, if you don't have the space for the database or if you just don't have the time to wait for a resync.

All transactions are of course generated and signed locally, but the queries and the transmit is done via online APIs like Koios.

How do you switch between Online-, Light- and Offline-Mode?

Thats simple, you just change a single entry in the, or $HOME/ config-file:

  • workMode="online": Scripts are working in Online-Mode aka Full-Mode. A locally running and synced cardano-node is needed.
  • workMode="light": Scripts are working in Light-Mode. No cardano-node needed.
  • workMode="offline": Scripts are working in isolation and completely offline. No cardano-node needed.

Here is a simple example of a transaction in Light-Mode:

Notice the new mode is indicated via the Mode: online(light) in the header.

And we can of course check that the amount arrived, this has all been done in Light-Mode. There is no Mainnet Cardano-Node running on that machine 😄

You can do ALL OPERATIONS in Light-Mode now! 💙 Currently supported Chains are Mainnet, PreProd and PreView. You can switch between chains in seconds, and if you put a
different file into your folders, you can run them all in parallel too. I also wanna thank Holger from Cardano24, because i am hosting
the Online-Version of the Protocol-Parameters JSON files on his distributed Server-Platform, thank you! The JSON files are updates every 10 mins to make them available in Light-Mode.

If you have an Online/Offline Workflow, you can use the Online machine in Light-Mode, and your Offline machine is still offline of course.


🔥 New Feature - $Sub-Handle & $Virtual-Handle support for $Adahandles 🔥

Complete support for the upcoming Sub-Handle and Virtual-Handle release. All scripts than can use Adahandles for queries and destinations are upgraded to support these additional formats.
As always, the scripts doing a second lookup if the Handles are really on the UTXOs that the APIs report. For the Virtual-Handles the Scripts are doing an extra Koios request to checkout the Inline-Datum
content of the UTXO holding the Virtual-Handle. Virtual-Handles store the destination address within the Inline-Datum.


As you can see this address also holds the Virtual-Handle $virtual@hndl which points to another address, we can query that too like below.


Also there has been an Update to show all the different types of Adahandles in the Query, like ADA Handle for the original CIP-25 one, Ada Handle(Own) for the new CIP68 ones. Ada Handle(Ref) and Ada Handle(Virt) for the newest formats.


Improvements to the Online-Mode (aka Full-Mode)

  • Critical queries now always do a check if the local node is 100% synced with the chain before continuation.


Improvements to the Offline-Mode

  • In Offline-Mode the header on each Script Call now shows your local machine time. This is really important if you are doing things like an OpCert-Update to generate the right KES period.
    So now you can do an easy check if the time on your Offline-Machine is correct
  • NativeAsset Token-Registry Information also in Offline-Mode. To get the UTXO data of an address you wanna use in Offline-Mode you are using the command ./ add <walletname>.
    This query - if enabled in the config - now also stores the Token-Registry information about NativeAssets on this address within the offlineTransfer.json file.



General updates

  • The SPO Scripts are now fully Conway-Era compatible! 🔥

  •, are now showing if the Stake-Address is delegated to a pool. If so it tries to show additional pool-informations like the Ticker, Description and the current Pool-Status

  • The generation of the Stake-Address registration certificate has been moved to be done within This is a change for conway-era, because we now have to check
    the StakeAdress-Registration Deposit-Fee also for the deregistration. The Deposit-Fee can change after a registration has been done, so with conway-era the used amount is now stored within the certificate itself.
    If the StakeAddress is already registered on chain, the Script will tell you that and if also delegated to a Pool, it wil try to show you additional informations.

    Already registered:

    New registration in conway-era:

  • now also shows the used Deposit-Fee of a registered Stake-Address. If delegated to a pool, it tries to show additional Informations.

  • now directly ready out the onDisKOpCertCount from the via an own new CBOR-Decode function to provide checking information in Light-Mode.

  • now ready out the onDiscOpCertCount and the onDiskKESSStart values for checking in Online- and Light-Mode

  • now shows the set poolPledge also in ADA and not only in lovecase. Shows minPoolCost now also in ADA and not only in lovelaces. Shows the poolMargin now in percentage and not as decimal value.

  • now shows the set poolPledge also in ADA and not only in lovecase. Shows minPoolCost now also in ADA and not only in lovelaces. Shows the poolMargin now in percentage and not as decimal value.

    A pool update/registration/retirement of course now also works in Light-Mode:
    If there are external Witnesses (MultiOwnerPool) and the registration is done with an attached Metadata-JSON/CBOR, that information is now also stored to be represented in the external witness file.

  • now gives you detailed informations about the current pool-status. You can of course also use a pool-id in bech or hex to query this information with this script.



    Was never registered on the chain:

  • now checks the pool status you wanna send the delegation before continue with the transaction. If a pool is retired or was not registered on the chain(yet), such a transaction would let to an error.
    This precheck avoids this issue. In addition there is now a check that the Stake-Address is already registered on chain. Also, it now shows information about a current delegation and the planned delegation. The script directly reads out the delegation destination pool-id from the delegation certificate to show
    this information.

    Pool to delegate to not registered on chain(yet):

    Showing the old delegation and the new delegation:

  • 08a_genStakingAddrRetireCert.shnow checks if the Stake-Address is even registered before generating the Retirement-Certificate. Also now important, it checks the Deposit-Fee that was used to register the Stake-Address
    in first place. Because we need to use the exact Fee again to retire the Stake-Address. There is now also a check if the Stake-Address you wanna retire still holds rewards. If the Stake-Address still hold rewards, it will
    show you the amount and refuse to generate a Retirement certificate. In that case please first claim all your rewards via and after that retire the Stake-Address.

    Stake-Address not registered, so no need to deregister it:

Read more

SPO Scripts 04-10-2023

04 Oct 18:34
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New feature - Create Base- and Staking-Keys from Mnemonic words

Script has been updated to also provide the method mnemonics as an option. As shown in the screenshot below, its now possible to generate new Base(Payment)- and Staking-Keys directly from 24-word mnemonics. These mnemonics are compatible with the ones from other wallets like Daedalus, Eternl, Typhon, etc...

If no mnemonics are provided, new ones are automatically generated and stored along the key files in a separate *.payment.mnemonics file.

Also you can set another accountNumber or indexNumber for the derivation path if needed!



New feature - Sending Transaction-Messages (encrypted or unencrypted), attaching Metadata-Files in JSON/CBOR

Many scripts already supported the direct sending of Transaction-Messages. Along with this update, the option to include Transaction-Metadata via attached a JSON or CBOR file has also been added.

This update now enables this features for all scripts in the Suite that are capable of doing a transaction.

The newly enabled ones are:

  • (Updated to show the metadata filenames)

So you can now add a comment or an encrypted message or metadata to every transaction that is possible via the StakepoolOperatorScripts. Which is a great tool to improve documentation, end also enabled other features that requires metadata files being attached to certain transactions. Like adding a proof of Ownership to a Stakepool-Registration, etc...

SPO Scripts 15-08-2023

15 Aug 08:27
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Update for the Catalyst Voting Script 09a

New feature added to the scripts and

  • Query your Catalyst Voting Power

    Added a query feature so you can now verify your registered Voting-Power. This works on MainNet and on TestNet, because its a combined API at the moment.

    The result is the currently registered total Voting-Power, and all the Delegators/Delegations that are done to that Voting-Key.

    Queries can be done by providing the name of the Voting-Key file, by providing a bech encoded Voting-Key or by directly providing a hex encoded Voting-Key like: query myvote-test query cvote_vk1lca8dhe30dtmuk4yq3c9f20af0jk7ne9vhzhemheczjtpy3dq85qcdzn3e query fe3a76df317b57be5aa4047054a9fd4be56f4f2565c57ceef9c0a4b0922d01e8

⚠️ Make sure to also download the latest version of the file!

Example Query:

SPO Scripts 06-05-2023

06 May 13:58
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Update for the SPO Poll

Two new scripts have been added to the testnet folder on the repo.

  • Script
    Simply run this script with a given txHash for the question transaction in your SPO Scripts env. This pulls the metadata via koios, presents the question, collects your answer and generates a cbor-file for transmission. The script does NOT REQUIRE to update to a newer cardano-cli version, your current 1.35.7 is ok. Because all the cbor generation, question handling is done within the script itself, no cardano-cli call.


  • Script
    This is an updated version of the normal script, it simply allows you to specify your poolFile as the 4th parameter. So you can sign the transaction with the cbor-file attached also with your mypool.node.skey file. You can also do the payment with a HW-Wallet if you want.


Please do some testing, so tool providers have some data to work with. For the current test simply setup your env for PreProd chain and run script 13a like:

./ d8c1b1d871a27d74fbddfa16d28ce38288411a75c5d3561bb74066bcd54689e2

A test-poll dashboard for the PreProd-Chain is available here: