Workshop for Incoming IDEAS students
What is R and RStudio
- list at least 3 reasons R/RStudio is a useful research tool
- describe CRAN's function
- install a package
- create a variable in R
Data Types
- assigning objects
- data structure and syntax
- troubleshooting through Rstudio
- data subsetting
Writing your first script
- script best practices
Writing functions
- function syntax
- control statements
- logic statements
which will require the following skills already covered:
- data structure
- assigning an object
Manipulating and exploring Data
- loading data
- calculate simple stats in base
- plot function in base
which will require the following skills already covered:
- logic statements
- manipulating data
- assigning an object
Writing functions recap
Data Visualization
- plotting in base R
- plotting in ggplot
Simulating Data
- simulating data of discrete model
- simulating data of continuous model
which will require the following skills already covered:
- function syntax
- data structure
- assigning an object
- plotting in base
- plotting in ggplot
- manipulating data