Organizing events is hard! Scheduling, venues, speakers, attendees, sponsors, there are a lot things to keep track of. With GitEvents we're trying to make the life for organizers a little bit easier, by taking care of managing talk proposals and event scheduling. GitEvents automates several processes such as broadcasting to various channels such as Twitter, Discord, etc. Finally, you can use the GitHub API and the set of pre-defined labels to retrieve all the events and talks for a beautiful event website.
- 🌈 Open & Inclusive Organization
Manage Events, Talks, Suggestions etc. with GitHub Issues
- 🧑💻 GitHub GraphQL backend to feed your own website
- 🤖 Automation with GitHub Actions
- 🙈 No databases, admin management, etc.
We recommend to use a GitHub Organization for your group, such as the
Cyprus Developer Community,
BarcelonaJS etc. You can then add GitEvents to
any repo ie. events
by adding the
GitEvents Action. There are more GitHub
Actions for different purposes, for example a Calendar Action to generate .ics
files for calendar subscriptions or the Broadcast Action to tweet about your
events. We have a GitHub Project
with feature requests and things we're working on to make GitEvents even better.
All contributions are welcome.
- 🌈 Inclusive Org - every interaction with a repo (comment, reaction, discussion, push, etc.) triggers an invite to join the GitHub Organization
- 📆 GitEvents ICS - create a
file for calendar subscriptions (in Apple/Google/etc. Calendar) - 🤖 GitEvents Action - manage issues (code-of-conduct check, etc.), labels etc.
- 🤖 GitEvents Broadcast - broadcast events to other platforms and sites
👩💻 Join on Discord