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A guide on how to upgrade your free GCP and Azure tiers and then set them up for FAH as well as remote monitoring.

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(get it? because we're in the cloud)

A guide on how to upgrade your free GCP and Azure tiers and then set them up for FAH as well as remote monitoring.

Take advantage of GCP's free $300 credits and Azure's $200 free credits (I don't think Azure will work anymore for free) in the fight against Covid19. The guide covers 90 DAYS of GCP Nvidia T4 folding and 1 month of Azure Nvidia P100 V100 folding (Dec 2020 update: great discount on V100s these days). Feel free to fold with a P100 on GCP but it will only last just under 1 month. Remember to Terminate your projects before your credits run out (and before your 30-day expiration date for Azure) in order to avoid getting a credit card charge!

- UPDATE: GCP credits now expire after 90 days, so don't go past that. 
-         Still 30 days for Azure
- UPDATE: The computer from which you monitor the cloud fah clients MUST be version 7.6.21 or higher due to 
security patches specifically related to remote monitoring (which is an option outlined below). It will be 
mentioned again in each section when it applies. The version running on the cloud does not matter, which is 
why you'll still see ver 13 in the guide.
+ Added a troubleshooting section for a common issue

Troubleshoot Unexpected GPU stoppage

GCP guide

A. sign up and upgrade
B. request quota increase
C. make a VM
D. prepare the VM
E. install / configure / monitor FAH
F. VM auto restart scheduling
G. checking credits
H. Shutdown

Azure guide

A. sign up and upgrade
B. request quota increase
C. make VM(s)
D. prep the VM
E. install / config / monitor FAH
F. VM restart automation
G. check credits
H. Azure Shutdown


GCP sign up and upgrade

  1. We start with a gmail account. GCP will occasionally send you emails, but you can unsubscribe. If you want to use a different gmail account, you can. Create a new gmail now if that's what you need to do.

  2. Then go to Sign in, fill out the credit card verification, and make sure to create the INDIVIDUAL account, (not the business one). fig 1 (GCP will send some emails, like "Account confirmation - Complete your GCP Profile" but you can ignore all these b/c it's just checkboxes for your interests in order to send you more mail)

  3. After finishing sign up, click on "Compute Engine" fig 2 This will take some minutes for GCP to initialize on their backend. You will see "Compute Engine is getting ready. This may take a minute or more."

  4. When that's done (ignore the blue "Create" button for now), click the the top left corner 'hamburger,' the 3 little horizontal lines, to open the Navigation Menu. Let's pin commonly used items to the top of the menu. Scroll down and look for "Compute Engine," and click on the 'push-pin' that appears when you mouse over the space to the left of the '>' which should pin Compute Engine to the top the menu. Now scroll about 40 items down into the TOOLS section to pin "Cloud Scheduler." Now scroll back up and just click on "Billing."

  5. On the right side of the Billing page, under the circular graphic displaying your credits, click on the button to Upgrade your account. This could take a minute or two to take effect. You will receive an email saying "You've Upgraded." You can ignore it

  1. Click the hamburger again, navigate into "IAM & Admin" and click on "Quotas"

  2. Along the top there is a single 'filter table' drop down menu. Click it and type in: region

  3. select the result for "GPUs (all regions)" which will list the Compute Engine API on the page. Click to Highlight this entry but take care NOT to click on a link such as 'Compute Engine API' or 'ALL QUOTAS.' A panel for GPUs will appear on the right. Mark the checkbox for 'Global' then click on "Edit Quotas" that's along the top.

  4. fill out your information in the open pane on the right and click next (any phone number will do).
    I previously read that if you managed to get a VM with x4 T4, it was half price as x2 P100 yet PPD-wise performs about the same but I have not been able to ever get more than 1 GPU spot approved. Maybe one of you could get lucky? If you do, you might also have to request a quota increase on the specific region as well, i.e. filter the quotas by 'preemptible' this time, and select the one with T4. Then filter by location and choose either central1, east1 or west1 to request 4.

  5. in the box for New Quota Limit for the GPUs (all Regions), you can try 4 if you're hopeful, otherwise just put 1.

  6. For the reason, write something like helping with Folding@Home, then submit request

  7. Your email will say you'll get your answer within 2 business days, but most likey it will arrive in under 2 minutes. If you tried for 4 and get denied, request again, but this time just for 1 and it should get approved.

  1. click the hamburger and click on Compute Engine

  2. click on "Create an Instance"

  3. Name is up to you

  4. Underneath "Add label" are Region & Zone. The cheapest Regions are: us-central1, us-east1, and us-west1. Zone: Since we're looking for T4, respectively you may choose a/b/f; c/d; or a/b. (If you are looking for P100 instead, choose, respectively c/f; b/c; or a/b.

17(a). In Machine configuration, under Series, select "N1"

17(b). In Machine configuration change Machine type to "Custom" (it will be the very top item of that drop down list)
change the number of Cores to 1
change the Memory to 3
fig 3

  1. Click "CPU platform and GPU" then click on "Add GPU"
    GPU type: select T4 (if selection not present, you'll have to change Zone from step (16))
    Number of GPUs: 1 (unless you somehow were approved 4 GPUs, then use 4 and also for step (17) use n1-highcpu-4 )

  2. a couple lines below, double check to make sure Boot disk is set to Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
    if it's not that, then hit "Change" to select "Debian" and "Debian 10 buster"

  3. towards the bottom click on "Management, security, disks, networking..."

  4. Scroll down to Availability policy >Preemptibility: change "Off(recommended)" to "On"
    (this option gives us 80-90% discounted rates compared to a dedicated setup)
    fig 4

  5. click "Create" (although it says "you will be billed for this instance" it just means it's going to be using your free credits)

Once you see a green circle check mark green circle image next to the name, the VM is running and ready.

  1. (The VM must be running, indicated by the green circle). On the right end of the table, click on "SSH" (the actual box that says SSH, not the drop down menu) fig 5

A new window should pop open, saying "Connecting..."

  1. When it looks like it's waiting for you to type something in, copy and paste the below commands.
    To paste into the black terminal window, try right clicking the mouse to find the paste option. Other methods are to hold SHIFT and press Insert
    or CTRL SHIFT v
    If you're not using chrome, there's a chance none may work as intended, so you'll have to type them.
sudo apt install wget

if it asks: Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
press y and then ENTER

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install clinfo

Y for yes to continue

sudo apt-get install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Y for yes to continue


(please stick to the guide. Using a newer version at this step above only makes it harder to edit the config file!)


chmod +x

if you're typing this one out, after you write 'N' you can hit TAB and it will autocomplete
(that chmod command also doesn't output anything, so just continue to the next command)

sudo ./

Screen will fill with a bunch of dots before changing to a progress bar. A minute later, there will be a "WARNING: nvidia installer was forced to guess..." Just hit ENTER for OK
fig 6
If it asks to install 32-bit libraries, move the white highlight to select 'No'fig 6.5
At "Installation... complete" Just hit ENTER for OK
Optional: You can check info on the GPU with command


fig 7

  1. We're still in the same terminal. We're going to use the hosts file to cut FAH from talking on the internet during setup so that it doesn't download a Work Unit (WU) before we're ready. Copy paste (or use the editor of your choice if not nano) to edit the hosts file
sudo nano /etc/hosts
  1. Copy/paste (or write out) the below text to the bottom of your hosts file

press Ctrl x to exit nano,
press y for yes to save,
press ENTER to overwrite that filename

sudo dpkg -i fahclient_7.6.13_amd64.deb

if you're typing these out, after you type 'f' you can hit TAB and it will autocomplete

  1. Follow the prompts to fill out a FAH username, team #, and passkey (if you have it)
    Choose option "full" fig 8
    Choose option "yes" for auto starts

  2. There might be some "failures" on screen; don't worry. Continue with the below commands:

FAHClient --send-pause

The next ones will echo your values back to the screen, meaning all is good fig 9

FAHClient --send-command "options gpu=true"
FAHClient --send-command "options allow=YOUR.HOME.IP.ADDRESS"

(i.e. if you're going to monitor the cloud FAH from a device in your home network, then use any device in your network to visit a website that tells you what your IP address is. Such as Then enter that IP in place of Your.Home.IP.Address)

FAHClient --send-command "options password=YourRemoteControlPassword"

Note: this is not the same as the Passkey. If you've already been using remote monitoring, you know what goes here; otherwise just make up a password now

  1. Restore the hosts file by placing a # in front of the 4 lines you added so that it now looks like

the command was

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Ctrl x to exit, Y and ENTER to save

  1. Now we fix the config file of FAH
sudo nano /etc/fahclient/config.xml

the bottom of that file looks like:

  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='0' type='CPU'>
    <paused v='true'/>

We want it to look like: fig 10
(Just change the 0 to 1 and the C in CPU to a G

  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
    <paused v='true'/>

Ctrl x to exit, Y then ENTER to save

sudo reboot
  1. You can close the terminal window now (Ctrl d)

  2. Add a Firewall Rule: (Still on the Compute Engine page), click on bottom row for "Setup Firewall Rules"

    a) Name: fah
    b) Scroll down to Targets: choose "All instances in the network"
    c) Source filter: "IP ranges"
    d) Source IP ranges: enter IP address that was used in step (29), and any additional if needed
    e) check the box for "tcp:" and enter in 36330
    f) click "CREATE"

  4. From a computer with FAH installed on it (It MUST be version 7.6.21 or later because of important security patches), look in the lower right system tray for the FAH icon, click it and open up "Advanced." This is your FAHControl. fig 11

  5. At the bottom of the left pane should be two buttons: Add and Remove; click on "Add"

  6. Name it whatever you want, maybe something to remind you it's from your GCP

  7. Hostname or IP is what you noted from step (29) fig 12

  8. Password is what you put in at step (29)

  9. click Save, then a new entry will appear where you can see its current WU, progress, and the "Log" tab will show you the current log file.

GCP automatically shuts down preemptible VMs after 24 hours of running, as well as earlier according to demand. So we need to set up Cloud Functions and Cloud Scheduler to restart any stopped VMs by themselves:

  1. Click hamburger, then Cloud Functions. Wait for it to get ready then hit CREATE FUNCTION fig 13

  2. Change the Trigger type from "HTTP" to "Cloud Pub/Sub"

  3. in the "Select a Cloud Pub/Sub Topic" box, select "CREATE A TOPIC"

  4. with all lower case, write: topic-starter
    fig 14

  5. click "CREATE TOPIC"

  6. Click SAVE, then NEXT

46.(a) As of late Sept you must now enable the Cloud Build API. Click the "ENABLE API" button in the highlighted area fig 14-a

46.(b) That opened the API page in a new tab. Click the "ENABLE" button. fig 14-b

46.(c) When it finishes processing, you can close this API page and continue on to step (47) for your Cloud Function.

  1. Delete all the code you see in the box. Copy paste this code block below in its place:
const Compute = require('@google-cloud/compute');
const compute = new Compute();

 * Starts Compute Engine instances.
 * Expects a PubSub message with JSON-formatted event data containing the
 * following attributes:
 *  zone - the GCP zone the instances are located in.
 *  label - the label of instances to start.
 * @param {!object} event Cloud Function PubSub message event.
 * @param {!object} callback Cloud Function PubSub callback indicating
 *  completion.
exports.helloPubSub = async (event, context, callback) => {
  try {
    const payload = _validatePayload(
      JSON.parse(Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString())
    const options = {filter: ``};
    const [vms] = await compute.getVMs(options);
    console.log("Got array of ", vms.length, " VMs");
    var startflag = false;
    await Promise.all( (instance) => {
        console.log("job zone: ",, ", VM: ",, " in ",
        if ( === {
          const [operation] = await compute

          // Operation pending
          return operation.promise();

    // Operation complete. Instance successfully started.
    const message = `Successfully started instance(s)`;
    if (startflag) {
    callback(null, message);
  } catch (err) {

 * Validates that a request payload contains the expected fields.
 * @param {!object} payload the request payload to validate.
 * @return {!object} the payload object.
const _validatePayload = (payload) => {
  if (! {
    throw new Error(`Attribute 'zone' missing from payload`);
  } else if (!payload.label) {
    //throw new Error(`Attribute 'label' missing from payload`);
  return payload;
// [END ]
  1. Click on "package.json" in the left list and delete all its code that's in the box. As before, replace with everything below:
  "name": "cloud-functions-schedule-instance",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  "license": "Apache-2.0",
  "author": "Google Inc.",
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=10.0.0"
  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha test/*.test.js --timeout=20000"
  "devDependencies": {
    "mocha": "^8.0.0",
    "proxyquire": "^2.0.0",
    "sinon": "^9.0.0"
  "dependencies": {
    "@google-cloud/compute": "^2.0.0"
  1. click the "DEPLOY" button

  2. after validating your function it will show a green circle check mark next to its name. When you see green, click hamburger, then Cloud Scheduler

  3. click CREATE JOB. Pick a US location, like us-central, in the map (closer to your VM's region the better). Click NEXT
    a) give it a name
    b) in Frequency, use this: */15 * * * *
    c) pick a time zone
    d) in Target choose "Pub/Sub"
    e) in Topic write: topic-starter
    f) for Payload, the Zone must match what you chose during VM creation. Its Zone is listed on the VM when you go to the Compute Engine page.
    {"zone":"us-central1-a"} fig 15

  4. click the CREATE button

  5. At the list of Jobs, click on "RUN NOW" and you should see "Success" under the Result

  6. But to check if it's really working, click hamburger, then from Compute Engine's sub menu click on "Operations" near the bottom of the list. fig 16

  7. If you see an entry for "start" that was called by a then all is perfect. If not, maybe you were too fast so try refreshing.

IF "start"'s still not there, click hamburger, Compute Function. Right side: click 3 dots, then "View logs," and you're supposed to see something like:

Got array of 1 VMs
job zone: us-central1-a , VM: [Your-VM-name] in us-central1-a
Function execution took 800 ms, finished with status: 'ok'

So if the job zone doesn't match the VM zone, go back to Cloud Scheduler and fix it. Otherwise double check the job's payload is entered correctly. If the 'ok' isn't even there, double check the Topic called in Scheduler is exactly the same as the trigger in Cloud Functions. Reply to me in Reddit if you still need help.

  1. Go to click hamburger, then Billing. A circular graphic displays remaining credits (could be delayed by up to a day).

  2. To see a graph of daily consumption, under "Current Month" click "-> View Report," select your desired date range, and scroll down in the right pane to uncheck "Promotions and others." (Been about $2.90/day for me) Note that the Total costs displayed are kept separately by month. To see your true totals you must set the correct Custom date range for when you began using GCP resources.

  1. a) Emergency - if you forgot all about checking your credits and it's been over 3 months... you're definitely getting charged
    i) When at, on the left, click "Go to project settings"
    ii) towards the top click the SHUTDOWN button and follow the directions
    iii) click hamburger, click Billing. (you can click View Report to find how much you owe, but let's proceed with shut down)
    iv) Right side of page, click on "Manage"
    v) top-middle click on "CLOSE BILLING ACCOUNT" and follow the instruction

    b) A Gentle Shutdown - because researchers depend on the results of these WUs in order to build the next set of problems to fold, it's best to hit "Finish" on FAHControl so that it pauses itself once it finishes the current WU. Then that would be the ideal time to shut down like in (58)(a)

    c) if you're trying to squeeze out more WU with the few remaining credits, remember that:
    i) credits shown may be delayed by up to a day
    ii) try to make sure you have enough credits to finish an unexpectedly longer WU.
    iii) if you're waiting with the VM in a Stopped state for credits to update, while you're not being charged for the VM unless it gets turned on, there are still small costs always accruing for the storage that everything sits on (almost 5 cents/day).
    iv) also, if you have VMs in the Stopped state, if you don't delete or edit your Cloud Scheduler Jobs, they will start your VM when you don't want them to
    v) if you removed your Cloud Scheduler Jobs and you decide to fold some more, you might need to recreate them again to handle preemptions
    vi) just because FAH is paused doesn't mean you're not getting charged. If the VM is on, it is costing you
    vii) if you use up all your credits, you're now paying out of pocket

The End.



Azure puts a 30-day time limit on the $200 free credits, and the clock starts ticking as soon as you sign up. So pay attention not only to your credits, but also your last free day, because if you've still got resources when your credits expire, you could start to get charged no matter how many credits you still had.

  1. Go to

  2. Click on "Portal" in the upper right corner
    Use an email address tied to a Microsoft account to log in, or alternatively, click their "Create One" link to use some other email address which will associate it with a Microsoft account.

  3. Once signed in, fill out info and go through the text message and credit card verification processes. (Nothing gets charged) fig 1

  4. When completed, click on "Go to Portal," then click on "Microsoft Azure" in the top left to get the Home screen.
    Keep refreshing every minute until you see the "Upgrade" button next to "Microsoft Azure." fig 2

  5. Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes, and when it finally appears, click it.

  6. Chose the Free option for a suppport plan: the "No Technical Support" fig 3
    Then click on "Upgrade" in the lower left
    You might still see the Upgrade button at the top after you just upgraded, so just keep refreshing every minute until it disappears before we request more quotas.

-  Skip this section since we're going to use the V100 instead of the P100

Go To Next Section

We are just a couple CPU threads short of our ideal to fold with 2 P100's to burn through the $200 within 30 days if you are lucky enough to have consistently low pricing, so we're going to ask for a tad more just so that option is readily available should you need it. Folding with just one only used about $160 for me.

  1. Click the hamburger and select the very bottom option "Help + support" (MS calls these blades).

  2. In the left panel click on "+ New support request"

  3. In Basics:

    • The Issue type = "Service and subscription limits (quotas)"
    • Quota type = "Compute-VM (cores-vCPUs) subscription limit increases" (it's alphabetical, so scroll down to the C's)
  4. Click "Next: Solutions>>" which actually takes you to Details:

    • click the link for "Enter details" to open a right panel fig 4
      • Location = EastUS
      • Type = Spot
      • New vCPU Limit = 12
    • click "Save and Continue" to finish the Details section
      • Severity = keep it at C
      • Preferred contact = choose either email or phone
      • Choose the country
      • Click "Review + create>>"
      • Click the blue "Create" button

(I have noticed EastUS and WestUS2 tend to be the cheapest. After mid-July 2020 I noticed making the particular Spot (preemptible) GPU VMs we want in West2 and SouthCentral got blocked or something, so you might see the same if you tried non East locations, which is why this guide will focus on East.)

  1. Usually the approving email comes within 2 minutes, but even if it doesn't we can just press on ahead.

(Make sure you already waited 5 to 10 minutes since upgrading. If you refresh and the Upgrade button from fig(2) appears, you need to wait a bit longer before proceeding)

  1. Click the CloudShell icon in the blue area at the top, the first icon to the right of center, looks like >_ inside a square.
    fig 5
    This guide used Bash, so select "Bash"

  2. "You have no storage mounted," click "Create" to make it. It might take a minute or two to get set up.

  3. Once it's like this with the cursor blinking, you're ready to copy and paste the below commands into that window one at a time and hit ENTER fig 6 Use the mouse to right click and paste; or the keyboard shortcut: hold Shift and press Insert

az group create --location eastus --name myCloudFolding

"myCloudFolding" is a customizable name for your Resource Group, just remember if you change it, you'll have to change it everywhere else it appears

az vm create -n AzureFolding -g myCloudFolding --image debian --generate-ssh-keys --size Standard_NC6s_v3 --priority Spot --max-price 0.31 --storage-sku StandardSSD_LRS

"AzureFolding" is the name of the VM, which you also can change. (the above command will take about 2 minutes to process)
"max-price" sets a limit just in case demand causes a huge spike in pricing, and if passed, will preempt the VM (otherwise you'd be out of credits in days). Make sure you check credits at least once, 2 weeks in to make sure you don't go over the limit. You should have between another 7 - 11 days available based on rates between $0.31-0.37

hmm... some people from France have started reporting they cannot create Spot VMs... it'll take me some time to figure this out... if ever. If you've had Azure success or failure since January 2021, are you inside or outside the US? I'd like to hear about it on either the foldingforum or reddit's r/folding

  1. During this wait, from the computer you wish to monitor cloud folding with, find its IP address by visiting a website such as
    You will need that number (I'll refer to as Your.Home.IP.Address) very soon, but first (still from your intended monitoring computer) find the FAH icon in the system tray (maybe hidden in the lower right corner), right click it and open the Advanced Control (Important - your PC's version of FAH MUST be 7.6.21 or newer). This is FAHControl. fig 7
    In the left panel at the bottom, click on "Add" which will open a configuration window for a connection to your cloud VM. Name it whatever you want, and for the password make something up unless you're already using one for your other clients (note: this is different from the passkey). Leave this window open. fig 8

  2. Back at your Azure CloudShell, if it has finished, it's displaying some text. The 2nd to last line should be "publicIpAddress":"xx.xx.xx.xx"
    Take this address and put it in the Hostname/IP entry of your FahControl configuration from step (15). With all boxes filled out now, click Save. (Don't lose that public ip address yet, there's 1 more use for it.)

  3. Back at the CloudShell, we need the firewall at the cloud to allow it to talk to your home FAHControl, so copy paste

az network nsg rule create --name fah --nsg-name AzureFoldingNSG --priority 2000 --resource-group myCloudFolding --destination-port-ranges 36330 --protocol Tcp --source-address-prefixes YOUR.HOME.IP.ADDRESS

Remember, if you customized your VM or Resource Group name, make sure to use those here instead. Note that "NSG" is attached to the end of the VM name, so if you changed yours to "xxxVM," the above command must be written with xxxVMNSG.
Lastly, replace "YOUR.HOME.IP.ADDRESS" with the numbers you saved earlier from some website that told you your IP.

  1. Now you can connect via SSH into your VM using CloudShell easily. Use that "publicIpAddress" to replace xxxx below
ssh xxxx

If you lost that address, you can click hamburger, scroll halfway down to "Virtual machines" and then click on your VM's name.
In the right most column will be the Public IP address

  1. When it makes a connection to an IP for the first time, at the prompt type the full word: yes and hit ENTER

We're now in the VM via SSH session using CloudShell. To get nvidia drivers working:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install clinfo

At the prompt press y then ENTER to continue

sudo apt-get install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r)

At the prompt press y then ENTER to continue

chmod +x

(if you're typing these out, after you write 'N' you can hit TAB and it will autocomplete)
(that command also doesn't write anything to the screen, so just continue to the next command)

sudo ./

Screen will fill with a bunch of dots before changing to a progress bar. A minute later...
There will be a "WARNING: nvidia installer was forced to guess..." Just hit ENTER for OK
It'll ask you "install 32-bit compatible libraries?"
Move the white thing over to the "No" option and then hit ENTER fig 9
Finally, "Installation... complete" Just hit ENTER for OK )

  1. We're still in the VM via SSH session using CloudShell. Download FAH

Unlike GCP, we have more than enough CPU cores here so we don't need to mess with the hosts file.

  1. continue copy pasting commands (or if you're manually typing, TAB can autocomplete filenames)
sudo dpkg -i fahclient_7.6.13_amd64.deb

Follow the prompts to enter in Username, Team, and Passkey (if you have them)

Choose option "full" fig 10

Choose option "YES" for FAH automatically starting
You might see some red words on screen for errors, but ignore them.

  1. Continue commands (and note that FAHClient is not the same as Fahclient)
FAHClient --send-pause
  1. The next commands return what you write back to the screen, which is how you tell it was successful fig 11
FAHClient --send-command "options gpu=true"
FAHClient --send-command "options allow=YOUR.HOME.IP.ADDRESS"

This IP is the network from behind which you want to monitor the cloud FAH. Plenty of sites will tell you your IP, like

FAHClient --send-command "options password=YourFAHRemotePassword"

That is different from the passkey. It's the password you put in FAHControl in step (15)

  1. Wait 40 seconds (this gives FAH time to save the changes we made, and we're about to edit the same file so opening it before 30 seconds will present problems). Manually configure the GPU slot for FAH by adding some info at the end of the config file to make it look like
    fig 12
sudo nano /etc/fahclient/config.xml

That opens the file in an editor.
you can copy paste this into the config at the proper place

  <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
    <paused v='true'/>

To exit nano, hold Ctrl and press x
It asks if you want to save; press y then ENTER to save

sudo reboot

and close the CloudShell

In ~ 45 seconds this cloud client should be "Online" in your FAHControl (your version MUST be 7.6.21 or greater due to a security update), still paused, and you'll see a CPU and a GPU slot. Push "Fold" to get it going. If you don't see the GPU slot, re-examine the config.xml file again, by opening CloudShell, press the up arrow key and you can ssh again to try step (24) once more.
Careful not to accidentally move the Folding Power slide bar away from "full" in FAHControl. It took me way too long to notice that's what I had done once. If you need to make name/team/passkey changes and are having trouble doing it in FAHControl, SSH back in the VM and use FAHClient --send-command "options user=xxxx"
or team or passkey in place of user

Just in case somebody forgoes a monitoring program, that person would have to SSH in again to take FAH off the pause state with FAHClient --send-unpause
The current logfile would be then viewed with watch tail /var/lib/fahclient/log.txt
Then wait for the progress %'s to start climbing for BOTH lines that have 0xa7 and 0x22 in them for decent confidence that all is working.
(To exit that mode, hit Ctrl c )
Every 2 - 6 hrs a WU should complete, which you can check by entering the name you picked at (typical delay ~ 10 min)

Lastly if you ever get a stuck download, where it looks like it started downloading a new WU but then progress updates just stopped coming in for over 10 minutes, SSH in again and sudo reboot
How do you tell? In FAHControl there's a "Logs" tab. Every several seconds you'll see "Download X%" until you get "Download complete" so if you see it got to some % but it's been over 10 minutes with no "Download complete" or other % update, then it's stuck and needs a reboot.

  1. Type auto in the search bar at the top in the blue area and click on "Automation Accounts" fig 13

  2. Add/Create an Automation Account and fill in the info. Name: you create (I named mine autobot), but the rest need to be chosen from their respective drop down menus, corresponding with the VM you made earlier, i.e. using the vm command from the beginning as an example, that would make Resource group = myCloudFolding and Location = East US. Then click Create

  3. When it lists your automation account (may have to refresh), clicking on it opens a panel, then 12th item down click on Runbooks gallery fig 14

  4. Click on "Start Azure V2 VMs" and then click on "Import" and OK fig 15

  5. After importing it, click your automation Runbook gallery fig 16

  6. Click on "Runbooks" and then the new "StartAzureV2Vm" fig 17

  7. Along the top, click on the "Edit" button

  8. Then click on the "Publish" button fig 18, confirm "Yes"

  9. In the panel, click on Schedules, then "Add a schedule"

  10. Select "Schedule | Link a schedule to your runbook"

  11. Click "Create a new schedule," Give it a name, set the Starts date and time, change Recurrance from "Once" to "Recurring," and set for every 1 hour, then click "Create" fig 19
    (sorry I have a 2 in the figure. using 1 is better)

  12. No need for "Parameters and run settings" so just click on "OK" This schedule should restart any and all VMs, even those you later create, whether it be in the same or different Resource Groups. If for some reason you need different schedules for different VMs, you can specifically target a VM by name and/or resource group in "Parameters and run settings," but be aware that this one will still restart all resources unless you put in names or resource groups here.
    Lastly, the "Jobs" blade is how you check what/when schedules have ran if you're curious.

  1. From the home screen, click on "Cost Management," or click the hamburger and almost at the bottom is Cost Management -- Careful, the bar displaying your credits there only focuses on the current month, and it is NOT a running total, so if you cross over into a new month, watch out for that.

  2. A couple blades down in the left panel, click on the "Cost Analysis" blade.

  3. About top-middle, open the date drop down and select "Custom date range" to pick your start day (or before it) to make sure you get your true cumulative total. fig 20
    In that figure, the solid green is the cost already spent (true amount delayed about a day), and the light green is the projected cost. The Azure algorithm will need 7 days of steady history to make accurate projections, so any changes will take days to stabilize projections. My typical price for 1 NC6s_v2 P100 VM was $5.22 per day, and that would leave quite a bit of unused credits after 30 days, so spinning up a 2nd NC6s_v2 VM for 5 - 8 days solves that problem, depending on how much your second VM's price fluctuates. For 2021: with a V100 (NCs_v3) at $0.37/hr, 1 instance will last 3 weeks but will do more science than the 2xP100s put together. In any case, it might be a good idea to set up Budget Alerts to send yourself emails when you pass certain thresholds.

  • Budgets (right underneath the Cost Analysis blade in the panel)
    • "+ Add" button near top
    • Reset period: I'd go with "Yearly" to avoid the costs resetting if you cross-over to a new month or new quarter
    • Put in your budget of 200
    • The next page you can set the alert thresholds, as many as you want, i.e. at 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 95%... (These can be delayed almost a day too, so give yourself leeway)
    • Enter the email at which you wish to receive these alerts.

Important Note: Azure Billing goes by UTC, so if your credits are set to expire on the 30th and i.e. you're USA West coast (UTC-7) anything you use past 5pm on the 29th will be invoiced after your credits have expired. (4pm if Daylight saving is over)

  1. Go to your portal,

  2. enter CloudShell via the >_ icon

az group delete -n myCloudFolding --no-wait

If you custom named your Resource Group, use that instead of myCloudFolding
press y to confirm and ENTER, and then you can close the CloudShell

  1. Click on Subscriptions (the key icon), or type subscription in the search bar.

  2. Click on your subscription name, then at the top you can click on "Cancel subscription" and follow the instruction to type something to confirm.

Hopefully you have had enough time to use "Finish" on your FAHControl first to complete all current work units, as opposed to rushing to terminate before you start accruing charges :) It's just nicer on the progress of science that way, but it's not mandatory.


For Both GCP and Azure: If you notice the VM is up but the GPU is not folding...

T1. If you see these errors at the start of that day's log a simple driver reinstall will fix it:

ERROR:No compute devices matched GPU #0 
ERROR:  "vendor": 4318
ERROR:  "device": 7864
ERROR:  "type": 2
ERROR:  "species": 6
ERROR:  "description": "TU104GL [Tesla T4] 8141"^[[0m
ERROR:}.  You may need to update your graphics drivers.


  • a) Log into the respective GCP or Azure VM like you did in GCP's step (23) or Azure's step (18).
  • b) For GCP, rerun these commands
sudo apt-get install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r)
sudo ./
  • and select the options to Install Drivers Anyway at the prompt, and "No" for 32-bit libraries
  • c) For Azure the commands are
sudo apt-get install gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r)
sudo ./
  • and also select the option to Install Drivers Anyway at the prompt, and "No" for 32-bit libraries
  • d) When the reinstall is done and you hit Enter for 'OK' at the prompt,
sudo reboot
  • and that's it. Chances are the previous GPU WU errored out previously, but you should be working on a new one now within a minute.

T2. If your VMs are running but nothing is doing any calculations, check the log. If they've been showing attempts to get work such as

03:35:34:WARNING:WU00:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
03:35:34:WU00:FS01:Connecting to
03:35:34:WARNING:WU00:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
03:35:34:WU00:FS01:Connecting to
03:35:34:WARNING:WU00:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
03:35:34:WU00:FS01:Connecting to
03:35:34:WARNING:WU00:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration
  • Then We have won the battle for today and we're waiting for the scientists to make more WUs for us. So just wait. Back on the Status tab of Advanced Control for FAH, in the right panel should be some details on the selected work unit. If you're clicked on the slot that's currently waiting, in the right panel by "Next Attempt" will show when the next try to get a WU will be. Shouldn't be more than an hour. If there's no time indicated (and the slot is currently not folding a WU), it might be a "stuck download" from the server. A "sudo reboot" should fix that.

T3. If your instance looks offline in FahControl, check to see if perhaps its IP address changed.
Log into your account to view your Virtual Machine. If in a 'Running' status you can copy the IP, then in your FahControl's left panel, doubleclick your entry to update the Hostname under the Connection tab.
If your VM instance is offline (a stopped, or dissociated state), you can let your automatic start schedule handle it or you could select your VM and manually hit the Start button.
In Azure only: if the attempt Fails or it's been more than a few hours of the actual VM being offline, the price probably increased. Log into Azure and start Cloud Shell like in step(12). Update price with below command:

az vm update -g myCloudFolding -n AzureFolding --max-price 0.37

Then close cloud shell, go to view your VM, select and hit the start button, then once it's online copy the IP to update your FAHControl.

T4. Anything else will require some more investigation. Help is available on the offical forum: Particularly important is the section on "How to post a logfile"

There is also some unofficial help on r/Folding

Thank you for participating!
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A guide on how to upgrade your free GCP and Azure tiers and then set them up for FAH as well as remote monitoring.




