Build a CRUD office spaces application
- System should allow for users to create and manage office spaces.
- Home page should display all offices and a brief summary of occupants.
- User should be able to CRUD workers/staff memebers.
- User should be able to CRUD Offices.
- User needs to be able to search for workers within a office.
- Mobile responsiveness is a must.
- Download/close the repository.
- Run "yarn" to ensure all dependencies are installed locally.
- Run "yarn start" to start the react server.
- After you start the server, you should go to port 3000 or whichever one you have setup.
- You should land on the home view which will prompt you to add an office.
- After you have added an office, you should be able to view the newly created office from the home screen.
- Click anywhere above the border/underline to take you to the spefic office page.
- Click on the "More info" button underneath the border to view more information on the office.
- Once on the office view, you can select the top pen icon to "edit" your office
- From the edit view, you should be able to update the office and delete the office.
- Once back at the office view, you can click on the same button at the bottom right corner of screen to add a new staff member.
- Once clicked, you should be able to fill in a 2 step form that includes the names of the user and the avatar you would like to select for the staff member.
- Once staff member is created, you should be able to edit staff member by clicking on the icon to the right of the staff member.
- You are also able to delete the staff member from the edit view.
- Once back in the office view, you can search for a specific user and the result will be filtered to match the name.
- If no results appear on search, you can clear the search and search again or create a new staff member.
- You can repeat the above a few times to test different offices to ensure that they only have their users displayed when you view the office.
- Note: If you delete an office, all users are also removed (I assumed they would also want the users removed if the office is removed)
- Javascript
- ReactJS
- Material UI
- Typescript
- Dexie (a light-weight wrapper on top of indexedDB)
- React Router
Giordi Fungula