PC gamers with the best hardware in the world need the best PC game experience - this means graphics mods if they exist
Nope - existing mod resources are HEAVILY text focused Feel very web pagey, not fast at all
Bill 28, 6 figure salary Enjoys games Has a Steam game pile of shame - no time to dig through mods Has games he keeps coming back to - would like to make them better if he knew how
Sees Ugly textures in older games Ugly UIs in some games Poor animations Uncomfortable FOV Tiny screenshots in mod websites Excessive text in mod websites
Hears (don't care) Game sound effects that suck
Thinks This text doesn't mean anything (written by devs, not writers) Games aren't living up to their potential
Feels Impatience as mod sites load screenshots and pages Impatience in finding good mods for his games Frustration in downloading mods (filehosts with mirrors and ads suck) Frustration in game UIs Lousy game performance without good reason
Incremental search by game title for game and mod finding http://tympanus.net/Development/SidebarTransitions/ Slide Along or Scale Up http://listjs.com/plugins/fuzzy-search
No user submitted content - entirely Hung-Su curated to weed out shitty content Responsive to enormous desktop screens - 1920px across primary, down to 1080px across http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey Load content dynamically for a game like experience
Huge screenshots - 2 screenshots @ 1920x1080, before and after for each mod is sufficient http://tympanus.net/Development/PageTransitions/ Fade or Different Easing
Screenshots need source, maybe download link
RSS feed / twitter / facebook Easy commenting