- A programmer interested in big data, distributed systems.
- An emacser dedicated to enhancing the efficiency and enjoyment of editing.
- An amateur enthusiast who enjoys reading and writing.
- You can see my blog in there
- dictionary-overlay Emacs 插件-辅助英文阅读.
- global-interactive-emacs Run Interactive Emacs Commands Globally.
- leetcode-emacs An emacs plugin to write leetcode programs.
- plantuml-emacs A plantuml plugin for Emacs.
- deno-bridge-jieba deno-bridge-jieba.
- image-slicing Another method for displaying and scrolling images in Emacs.
- websocket-bridge websocket-bridge.
- sideline-eldoc sideline-eldoc.
- auto-browser An Emacs plugin for controlling the browser and accessing web pages.