Current Version: 1.1
The purpose of Andy is to gather useful mixins and avoid enless researches or heavy framework use. Feel free to fork it on Github and add your own mixins:
You can:
Download the file and place it your Sass project. Another solution is to use Bower:
$ bower install andy
or install the ruby gem:
gem 'rails-assets-andy'
Just include the entire file. Then you can change the default settings in andy.scss. For example, you can change the base font-size:
$base-font-size: 16px !default;
Additional default settings will be soon added. Otherwise, be sure to check out the documentation at:
- Background Gradient
- Background Size
- Border Corners
- Box Sizing
- Center Block
- Centering Block: Horizontal, Vertical, Both
- Clearfix
- Div Outline
- Font Face
- Hardware Acceleration
- Image Retina
- Line-Height
- Media Queries
- Opacity
- Opacity Black
- Opacity White
- Position
- Radius
- Scale
- Shadows
- Size
- Text Shadow
- Translate-x
- Translate-y
- Transition
- Transitions Snippets
Andy is supported by amazing contributors: