Mathias's readme is awesome. go read it.
This is a mashup between Paul Irish's dotfiles and Raúl Uranga's powerbook. This repo is mostly for me but you're welcome to make suggestions. Fork it!
The basic setup is executed in
which adds a ton of stuff: brew (node, php, mongo, mysql, python, ruby), cask and some gems, npm global packages and more.
Toss it into a file called .extra
which you do not commit to this repo and just keep in your ~/
## PATH like a boss
export PATH
When setting up a new Mac, you may want to set some sensible OS X defaults:
- vim config, obv..ackrc
- not included, explained above
- apps I need.osx
- run on a fresh osx machine
- config for bash readline
git clone ~/.dotfiles && cd ~/.dotfiles && ./
Also you can install the modules individually
./ module_name
Modules: apps, brew, dotfiles, fonts, npm, quicklook and rubygems
To update later on, just run the install again.
Set your pinentry program by adding it to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
pinentry-program $(brew --prefix)/bin/pinentry-mac
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy /Library/LaunchAgents/com.launchd.maxfiles.plist \
-c "add Label string com.launchd.maxfiles" \
-c "add ProgramArguments array" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string launchctl" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string limit" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string maxfiles" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string 20000" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string unlimited" \
-c "add RunAtLoad bool true"
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy /Library/LaunchAgents/com.launchd.maxproc.plist \
-c "add Label string com.launchd.maxproc" \
-c "add ProgramArguments array" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string launchctl" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string limit" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string maxproc" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string 2048" \
-c "add ProgramArguments: string unlimited" \
-c "add RunAtLoad bool true"