Small helper library to retry operations automatically on certain errors.
The retry
package provides a Do()
function which can be used to execute a provided function
until it succeds.
op := func() error {
// Do something that can fail and should be retried here
return httpClient.CreateUserOnRemoteServer()
retry.Timeout(15 * time.Second))
Besides the op
itself, you can provide a few options:
- RetryChecker(func(err error) bool) - If this func returns true for the returned error, the operation is tried again (default: nil - no retries)
- MaxTries(int) - Maximum number of calls to op() before aborting with MaxRetriesReachedErr
- Timeout(time.Duration) - Maximum number of time to try to perform this op before aborting with TimeoutReachedErr
- Sleep(time.Duration) - time to sleep after every failed op()