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Code for the paper "SMACE: A New Method for the Interpretability of Composite Decision Systems", ECML 2022


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SMACE --- Semi-Model-Agnostic Contextual Explainer

Python code for SMACE: A New Method for the Interpretability of Composite Decision Systems.

The code is stored in two main repositories: smace and evaluation. The first one contains the code behind the method (see below for Usage). The evaluation folder contains a notebooks subfolder, where some simple example are given as Jupyter Notebook. Aggregated experiments are in the experiments folder and the results saved in the results subfolder.


The experiments in Section 5.1 Simple cases of the paper are available as notebooks (in evaluation/notebooks) :

  • rule_only.ipynb refers to Rules only
  • hybrid_paper.ipynb refers to Symple hybrid system The folder also contains additional experiments.

The experiment in Section 5.2 Realistic use case of the paper is generated by in evaluation/experiments. The folder contains additional experiments with different decision-making systems on synthetic data. These experiments should be performed individually, and when finished, the results will be available in the directory evaluation/experiments/results.


First, one must define the decision-making system, i.e., a DM object. To define it, you need a set of rules in JSON format, a list of models, and a pandas DataFrame.

1. Define your set of rules

The rules must be defined in a JSON object, resulting in Python lists/dictionaries. Each rule is a dictionary with two fields: conditions and decision. The latter is the output of the decision process, if the rule is satisfied. A condition is defined by the triple (name, operator, value):

  • name is the variable referred to;
  • operator can be geq ( ), gt ( > ), leq ( ), lt ( < );
  • value is the cutoff.

As an example, let us say our set of variables includes four features: x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , and two models: model_1 and model_2. The JSON with two rules rule1 and rule2 can be as follow:

{"rule1": {"conditions": [{"name": "x2",
                             "operator": "geq",
                             "value": 0.6},
                            {"name": "x3",
                             "operator": "geq",
                             "value": 0.25},
                            {"name": "model_1",
                             "operator": "geq",
                             "value": 1},
                            {"name": "model_2",
                             "operator": "leq",
                             "value": 50}],
            "decision": "decision1"},
"rule2": {"conditions": [{"name": "x4",
                             "operator": "geq",
                             "value": 0.1},
                            {"name": "model_1",
                             "operator": "geq",
                             "value": 0.2},
                            {"name": "x1",
                             "operator": "geq",
                             "value": 0.1},
                            {"name": "x4",
                             "operator": "leq",
                             "value": 0.9}],
            "decision": "decision2"}

Once defined, to read a JSON file one can use the json (docs here) to read it:

import json
with open('rules.json', 'r') as fp:
    rules_json = json.load(fp)

2. Define your list of models

A model can be any function that works on a subset of the original data, with a numerical output. DM needs a Model object initialized as Model(predictive_function, model_name, data), where

  • predictive_function is the function that produces the output. In the case of a sklearn model m for regression (resp., for classification), for instance, it corresponds to m.predict (resp., m.predict_proba);
  • model_name is the name used in the rules to refer to the output of the model;
  • data is the pandas.DataFrame to which the model is applied.

For example, assuming we have a dataset X and two targets y1 and y2, we can proceed as follows:

from smace.models import Model

lm = linear_model.LinearRegression(),y1)

xgb = xgboost.XGBClassifier(),y2)

model_1 = Model(lm.predict, 'model_1', df)
model_2 = Model(xgb.predict_proba, 'model_2', df)

models_list = [model_1, model_2]

3. Define the DM object

Having the rules rules_json, the list of models models_list and the input dataset df, you can construct the DM object as

from smace.decisions import DM
dm = DM(rules_json, models_list, df)

To get the decision explicitly for an example, we use the make_decision() function:

example = np.random.rand(4)
decision = dm.make_decision(example, verbose=True)

    Rule(s) ['rule1'] triggered.
    Decision(s) ['decision1'] made.


Once the configuration is complete, you can use SMACE to explain the decisions of the defined system.

Let us say we want to explain why for the example above rule2 was not triggered:

from smace.explainer import Smace
explainer = Smace(dm)

explanation = explainer.explain(example, 'rule2')

explanation contains all the information computed by SMACE. The following methods can be applied:

  • explanation.table() and to obtain the overall contributions of the input features as tables or bars, respectively;
  • explanation.rule_table() and explanation.rule_bar() to get the contributions of all variables in the rule as tables or bars, respectively;
  • explanation.model_table('mod') and explanation.model_bar('mod') to get the importance of input features to the model named 'mod'.

It is possible to specify the maximum number of variables to display through the num_features parameters.

Citing this work

If you use this code please cite

  title={SMACE: A New Method for the Interpretability of Composite Decision Systems},
  author={Lopardo, Gianluigi and Garreau, Damien and Precioso, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Ottosson, Greger},
  booktitle={Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2022, Grenoble, France, September 19--23, 2022, Proceedings, Part I},


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