I am a C/C++ Software Engineer from Vietnam.
🔭 I’m working as a Software Engineer and contributing to 5G radio software project at DEK Technologies VN.
🌱 As an integral member of a cross-functional team (XFT), I am tasked with software development for RU (Radio Unit) software which modulates, amplifies and transmits 5G signal. Responsible for studying, developing, testing, documenting and maintaining new features for RU embedded software.
⚡ In my free time, I develop interesting side-projects such as base infrastructure implementation for C++ or higher programming languages using C/C++ for inter-thread, inter-process and inter-host communication, or frequently used frameworks like Active Object, Event Loop, Timer, Subscriber-Publisher,... utilizing POSIX system calls, research in CyberSecurity projects like CTF (Capture The Flag), Cheat Engine, Malware, DLL injection, Memory scan/protection, Encryption algorithm like AES, DES, RSA,...