MoonDeploy for Gradle
MoonDeploy - Gradle is a plugin for Gradle that transparently integrates MoonDeploy's Ant tasks into the Gradle build process, to automate the creation of application descriptors.
MoonDeploy is designed to make it easy to write app descriptors - as they are in plain JSON format - but you might want to inject a few variables (app name, version, description, ...) from your Gradle script - and the plugin simplifies such activity.
More precisely, the plugin provides an ant.moonDeploy Ant task definition that can be called from within any Gradle task - as in the example below.
To add MoonDeploy-Gradle to your project, just include the following lines at the beginning of your build script:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "info.gianlucacosta.moondeploy:moondeploy-gradle:CHOOSE_VERSION"
apply plugin: "info.gianlucacosta.moondeploy"
The simplest way to employ the plugin is to:
- Create a dedicated task in your project
- Make the assemble task (or another predefined task) depend on it
- In the task body, use ant.moonDeploy
What follows is a possible and quite common solution pattern that can be added to the build script of an application (in the example, named MyApp) based on the Gradle application plugin:
task createAppDescriptor {
} << {
//If this URL is on GitHub and ends with /releases/latest, MoonDeploy will
//automatically retrieve the latest version when the descriptor is run
//If missing, "App.moondeploy" is employed
descriptorFileName: "MyApp.moondeploy"
name: "MyApp",
version: project.version,
description: project.description,
publisher: "The application publisher",
//This is frequently needed when using Gradle's application plugin
skipPackageLevels: 1,
iconPath: "mainIcon.png"
) {
//When the supported OS are the 3 OS on which MoonDeploy runs, we can just
//omit these 3 lines and have the same actual effect
supportedOS(name: "windows")
supportedOS(name: "linux")
supportedOS(name: "darwin")
commandLine {
pkg(name: "MyApp-${project.version}.zip")
name: "windows",
iconPath: "mainIcon.ico"
) {
commandLine {
Alternatively, you might consider using a dedicated plugin, such as Aurora.