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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 27, 2025. It is now read-only.
Giacomo Falchetta edited this page May 4, 2021 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the M-LED wiki

These pages provide the official documentation for the M-LED (Multi-sectoral Latent Electricity Demand) platform. Information about the customisation parameters and assumptions for the sectoral electricity demand characterisation is presented here. The platform has been developed and tested in a Windows 10 environment.

Setting up the environment

  1. Clone the MLED repository and extract it in a custom location.

  2. Download the file from the M-LED Zenodo repository [] and unzip it to a path on your local machine. Ensure to unzip the database in a location where there are several gigabytes of space available, otherwise the process will file. This space will not be occupied permanently, but is required for the data processing to succeed. The folder contains data for replicating the Kenya country study, as well as an 'data_sources.txt' instructions file to support for retrieving data for other countries' data.

  3. The M-LED platform is written in the R scientific computing language, but in some processing steps it depends on PyQGIS (Python + QGIS algorithm toolbox). A handy automatic wizard batch file (.\installdependencies.cmd) is included in the root of the M-LED repository. The file ensures that the software requirements are met on the local machine, and if they are not, it prompts the user to download and install the required software and libraries.

NB: These steps are only necessary when setting up the environment for the first time. NB2: The .\installdependencies.cmd file MUST be run with administrator priviledges (right click -> run as administrator)

Understanding and customising the platform

Operating the platform

  1. Open the MLED_hourly.R in RStudio (R 3.6+)

  2. Open the manual_parameters.R file and set the correct file path for where you have extracted the M-LED database input data and define other local parameters

  3. Run the whole script or source its individual modules

(Potential) links to supply-side electrification and nexus models

Soft-links with electricity access models have been so far tested with the KTH's OnSSET and JRC's PVGIS.