A very compact and small library that provides reactivity technology to your code, like vue or react.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/reemjs"></script>
Put this code in your head
After connecting the library, add code below to your tag body
The object inside the data()
function is a list with your variables. You can write any variable and then use them in your HTML
<p in>hello {userName}</p>
Use a special attribute in
to insert your variable in HTML element. Write the variables in { }
to display them
<p in>your number is {num * 2}</p>
In the brackets you can also write any 'JS' expression, but there should be the presence of at least one variable, in the other it will not work
<div if="num > 5">
<p>number more than 5</p>
Use the if
attribute to hide and show the element depending on the condition
<input bind="checked:status" type="checkbox">
Use attribute bind
to tie the property of an element with your variable
<p css="fontSize:num">Lorem ipsum</p>
Use attribute css
to dynamically change the styles of your element
<button on="click:num++">{num}</button>
Use attribute on
to add an event to your HTML element
<ul each="arr">
<li>item {$$}</li>
Use attribute each
, to iterate the array. In the middle of the block with this attribute, there should be only 1 element that will be repeated, all content and other elements should be placed in it. Use '$$' to get the current array item
*This attribute is still in development, many things may not work.
const dt = RemJs.data({
dt.num = 123
To work with variables in the script, you need to return the object from the function data()
<button on="click: count++" in>
count is: {count}
RemJs.data({ count:0 })
live preview click
color is:
<span css="color:color" in>
const dt = RemJs.data({ color:'red' })
setTimeout(()=>{ dt.color = 'blue' }, 1000)
live preview click