Inspired by, Please check it out!
An effortless blade component, noUiSlider, tailored for your Livewire Components.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ysz/lw-range-slider
Register the script component to template after the @livewireScripts
<!-- @livewireScripts -->
<x-livewire-range-slider::scripts />
This package is designed to be used in conjunction with Livewire components. Please ensure that you exclusively utilize it within Livewire projects.
PHP 8.1 or higher
Laravel 10.x or higher
(included) noUiSlider
Please add this properties inside your existing Livewire component.
public $options = [
'start' => [
'range' => [
'min' => [1],
'max' => [100]
'connect' => true,
'behaviour' => 'tap-drag',
'tooltips' => true,
'pips' => [
'mode' => 'steps',
'stepped' => true,
'density' => 4
public array $sliderValues;
The $options
property represents the noUiSlider options that you provide to the component. For additional details and configurations, please refer to noUiSlider
The $sliderValues
property is the model for the range slider values.
<x-range-slider :options="$options""sliderValues" />
In cases where you don't need data updates to happen live, you can remove all modifiers to batch data updates with the next network request.
<x-range-slider :options="$options" wire:model="sliderValues" />
You can also use .blur
modifier to update the data after the user has finished interacting with the slider.
<x-range-slider :options="$options" wire:model.blur="sliderValues" />
To update the start
or range
values for noUiSlider, call the firePriceRangeChangedEvent
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Livewire\Component;
use YsZ\LwRangeSlider\Contracts\CanFireEvents;
class AvailableUnits extends Component
use CanFireEvents;
public function updated($name, $value)
$this->firePriceRangeChangedEvent(min: 80, max: 150, minRange: 100, maxRange: 200);
this will immediately update the range
and start
values for noUiSlider.
You can publish these blade file to resources/views/vendor/livewire-range-slider
and customize it.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lw-range-slider-views
To customize the noUiSlider options from the published file, as certain options cannot be passed from the Livewire component due to them not being valid JSON when used as a callback function.
options: {
start: [{{ $this->minPrice }}, {{ $this->maxPrice }}],
connect: true,
tooltips: true,
tooltips: {
to: function (value) {
return window?.currencyFormat("site", value);
from: function (value) {
return window?.currencyFormat("site", value);
range: {
min: {{ $this->minPrice }},
max: {{ $this->maxPrice }}
models: {!! json_encode($getWireModel($attributes)) !!},
modifier: "{{ $getWireModelModifier($attributes) }}"
{{ $attributes }}
<div x-ref="range"></div>
{{ $slot }}