Currently in early development, so things can and will change suddenly until a stable version is reached.
The simplest way to install and use with your V installation is from VPM using:
v install ghostnear.vstorm
Then the library will be available for importing using:
import ghostnear.vstorm
An alternative way to do this is by adding the repo as a submodule in your modules/ folder using GitHub.
Everything is documented in the docs/ folder.
Depending on your intent you might want to check out the dev documentation or the user one.
- figure out mobile touches and make them easier to use trough this. (comes from ghostnear/vstorm-tic-tac-toe)
- wait for a gg.screen_size() fix to work for android so text can be scaled correctly when app is started in fullscreen. (comes from ghostnear/vstorm-calculator)
- fix relative text scaling for any resolution (comes from ghostnear/vstorm-calculator)