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Releases: gholmann16/Neptune


12 Oct 02:05
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A lot has changed since the last release, but the reason I haven't been posting releases in so long is because I wanted to make this project into a single executable for speed purposes, and this required transitioning to using system libraries rather than packing them into an AppImage. After all this time I'm still running into bugs, so for now I will just post what I've managed to do.
I've managed to use all static or system libraries that you could find on any distribution aside from one, libappimageupdate, and due to that, you will have to have that library installed on your system. Since this is such a major requirement, I will just post the executable compiled for Arch Linux rather than bothering to compile on an ancient version of Ubuntu, so a second requirement is that you have a libc of at least version 2.38.

Other changes:

  • libneptune has been separated from main project for integration into others
  • I added a GTK graphical interface
  • Adding updates
  • Switching from root installs to user installs
  • CLI for permission editing

Overall many bugs have been fixed and Neptune has been vastly improved, but it will be a while until I can ship a single executable that will work on most distributions.


21 May 04:10
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v0.3.1-alpha Pre-release

Fixes compilation so that it compiles on oldest supported version of Ubuntu. First distrbuted version. Plenty of errors and problems, I'll point out some notable ones:

When installing software, the online repo rarely works. Planning to change to appimagehub to fix this.
If you launch appimage directory from the directory it will not be sandboxed. Launching from desktop file or from path will work though.
Will not use system icons.
Inputting a file path sometimes doesn't work. Ex. "sudo nep install ~/Downloads/example.AppImage" will most likely not work.

Please report any issues that arise when using this alpha version.
Run "sudo ./Neptune-x86_64.AppImage --install" to install Neptune.


19 May 01:37
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v0.3.0-alpha Pre-release

Neptune now integrates AppImages per user. AppImages are now sandboxed by defauly.


22 Apr 03:08
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v0.2.0-alpha Pre-release

Mostly complete CLI App Manager for App Images. Still working on AppImage repo. Sandboxing and GUI to come.


19 Apr 01:25
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v0.1.0-alpha Pre-release

Mostly functional app manager for linux. No binaries included because I'm still working on packaging libraries with the app.