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Releases: ghiscoding/slickgrid-react

v5.13.0 - Row Detail with inner Grid

01 Mar 21:39
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5.13.0 (2025-03-01)

You can now add a grid inside a Row Detail, however there are a few things to be aware. Any time a Row Detail is falling outside the main grid viewport, it will be unmounted and until it comes back into the viewport it will then be remounted & re-rendered. The process of unmounting and remounting means that Row Detail previous shape & states aren't preserved, however you could use Grid State & Presets (as shown in the demo) to overcome this problem. Also note that the logic to calculate in/out of viewport was completely re-implemented and should (hopefully) work better and should re-render a lot less often and only when necessary. It also now properly unmount row detail components before being removed from the viewport, this wasn't done properly in previous versions and it leaked components/elements in the DOM.

New example


Bug Fixes

  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (#461) (041dd42)
  • Row Detail could end up unmounting wrong panel index (#465) (2edf4c2)
  • Row Detail preload comp should call unmount lifecycle (#464) (494bc92)


08 Feb 18:57
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5.12.2 (2025-02-08)

Bug Fixes

  • update to latest Slickgrid-Universal 5.12.2 (#460) (087a757)


25 Jan 18:43
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5.12.1 (2025-01-25)

Bug Fixes

  • add autoResize.autoHeight to resize by dataset length (#457) (9b91f6a)
  • RowSpan should work with Excel Export and merge cells (#456) (c68b606)

v5.12.0 - Rowspan feature 📢

21 Jan 03:37
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5.12.0 (2025-01-21)

Rowspan feature

We already had colspan supported, via DataView ItemMetadataProvider, and now we're also adding support for rowspan as well (which is partially reusing the code from @GerHobbelt's fork that had rowspan). However please be aware that both of these features come with special constraints, any side effects (i.e. Filtering/Sorting/Paging/ColumnReorder/ColumnHidding) will require you to add your own logic to deal with these side effects (this was also true for colspan, so there's nothing new here). In other words the lib doesn't know and cannot guess how and what you want to do with the spanning when a side effect occurs, because colspan/rowspan are, and will always be, based on row indexes and the question arise when a side effect occurs what do you want to do? Do you want to keep the spanning on the same row or do you want to only keep half of it or remove it all? The system cannot guess what you want to do when these side effects happens unless you tell it what to do... so use this new feature with some due diligence.

You can see these 2 new examples demoing rowspan below and also read the Column/Row Spanning documentation

Note: please note that rowspan does not currently work well with Excel/CSV Export and it will be looked into in the near future.


Bug Fixes

  • add all missing events to Slickgrid-React props def (6abbc94)


14 Dec 21:14
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5.11.0 (2024-12-14)

A new Example 43 was added to demo how to dynamically create a grid from a CSV file import (Excel import is also achievable)


  • allow using SlickgridReact component w/o grid options (#445) (0b2fb80)
  • dynamically create grid from imported CSV data (#447) (0068a33)

Bug Fixes

  • add missing collection observer to watch changes (#443) (ca9340d)


30 Nov 22:13
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5.10.2 (2024-11-30)

Bug Fixes


09 Nov 20:33
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5.10.1 (2024-11-09)

Bug Fixes

  • few more Styling Theme fixes & Grid Service fixes (#432) (345bf84)


02 Nov 20:23
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5.10.0 (2024-11-02)

This release fixes all recent SASS (dart-sass) warnings for their upcoming major version 2.0 and even fixes next 3.0 warnings. Note that external libraries like Bootstrap, Bulma and others still have to fix their own warnings as well but as far as SlickGrid goes, all warnings were fixed.


  • replace @import with @use to fix SASS 2.0 deprecations (7aa4490)
  • switch to SASS @use and remove any @import to fix deprecations (#422) (0ab3721)

Bug Fixes

  • issue with Example30 scss file, invalid rgb value, fixes #427 (#428) (28cad57)
  • more styling fixes after switching to @use instead of @import (#429) (ad503d0)


19 Oct 20:03
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5.9.0 (2024-10-19)

You can now provide a Custom Pagination Component (React) instead of the default built-in Pagination

Cherry on top, this release also adds the Row Detail which was the only missing feature compare to other framework ports. Note however that there are some console warnings related to this implementation, see the docs for more details

Side note, the entire project is written with Class Components, if anyone is willing to help in migrating some (or all) of them to Function Components, I would be more than happy to get PR contributions. Thanks


  • add Row Detail feature with new example (#421) (0816349)
  • allow providing a Custom Pagination Component (#420) (58facc5)


29 Sep 04:39
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5.8.0 (2024-09-29)

Release Info

This new release brings a new preParseDateColumns grid option that allows to pre-parse date columns to improve Date column Sorting by a factor of 10x (and also make subsequent sorting extremely fast). The problem at hand is simple, parsing dates can be an expensive process especially for large dataset, but it is required in order to do Date Sorting. When we say parsing we mean reading the formatted date string and convert it to a JS Date object. For small dataset (less than 10K), it's not much of a problem but it becomes quite noticeable with large dataset, because calling a Sort will revisit the same items over and over until every items are fully sorted and without the new option enabled, we are reparsing these items multiple times which as I said earlier can become an expensive task... so with this release, we now have a new opt-in preParseDateColumns grid option (to be used only with large dataset 10K or more, the option IS NOT enabled by default). For more info, please take the time to read the Sorting - Pre-Parse Date Columns documentation. You can test this out via Slickgrid-Universal Example 2 by clicking on "50K rows" button and then try sorting Start/Finish dates.


  • option to improve Date Sorting by pre-parsing date items only once (#412) (1a4b752)