This project is a Full-Stack E-Commerce Application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). It simulates a real-world webshop with essential features like user authentication, product management, shopping cart functionality, order management, and an admin dashboard. (This project is containerized using Docker.)
You can check out the live version of the app here: Live Demo on Render
- Project Overview
- Features
- Tech Stack
- Getting Started
- Installation and Setup
- Dockerizing the Application
- Running the Application
- Scripts
- File Structure
- Additional Notes
- License
- Fully functional e-commerce experience with product browsing, user authentication, and order placement.
- Responsive user interface for seamless navigation across devices.
- Built-in admin dashboard for managing data.
- Browse products with details (image, description, price, and reviews).
- Add products to a cart and follow a 4-step checkout process:
- Sign In (JWT authentication with secure token storage).
- Shipping: Enter shipping details.
- Payment: Mock payment integration (no real gateways used).
- Place Order: Finalize and view the order summary.
Review the order status (Paid, Delivered).
Rate and review products (each user can rate a product only once).
- Access an Admin Dashboard displaying:
- Total sales, product count, users, and orders.
- Manage the app:
- Products: Add, edit, or delete products (with image upload using Multer).
- Users: View, update, or delete users accounts.
- Orders: View orders and update statuses (Paid/Delivered).
Password Encryption
: Passwords are encrypted using bcrypt.js.- Token-based authentication with
- React.js: For building the user interface.
- React Bootstrap: For responsive styling and prebuilt UI components.
- Redux Toolkit: For global state management.
- React Router DOM: For routing between pages.
- React Toastify: For user notifications.
- SASS: For styling with extended CSS features.
- Node.js & Express.js: For creating the RESTful API and managing server-side logic.
- MongoDB (via Mongoose): For the database to store users, products, orders, and reviews.
- JWT: For user authentication.
- Multer: For handling image uploads.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js and npm
- A MongoDB Atlas account (free tier is sufficient).
- Create a MongoDB Cluster
Sign in or sign up at
Create a new project and build a database cluster (choose free tier).
Set a username and password for the database.
Allow connections from your IP or enable access from anywhere.
- Configure .env File
- Rename example.env to .env in your project directory.
- Add your MongoDB connection string:
Import Sample Data
Import predefined sample data:
npm run data:import
- To clear the database:
npm run data:destroy
- Clone the repository:
git clone <>
cd mern-shop
npm install
npm install --prefix frontend
- Install dependencies for both backend and frontend:
npm install
npm install --prefix frontend
- Set up your MongoDB connection:
- Replace
with your MongoDB connection string.
- Replace
The JWT secret is simply a random string that you define in your .env file to sign and verify tokens. Just write a random string for it in the .env
file for JWT_SECRET
, like:
The project is fully Dockerized to simplify setup and deployment. Using Docker ensures consistent environments for development and production.
Install Docker:
- Download Docker for your operating system.
Verify Installation: Run the following command to ensure Docker is installed:
docker --version
Build the Docker Image: Navigate to the project directory and run:
docker build -t mern-shop .
This command:
- Installs all dependencies for the backend and frontend.
- Builds the production-ready React app.
- Prepares the app for deployment.
Run the Docker Container: Start a container from the built image:
docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 3000:3000 --name mern-shop-container mern-shop
- The backend will be available at
. - The frontend will be available at
- The backend will be available at
Stop the Docker Container: To stop the running container, use:
docker stop mern-shop-container
Remove the Docker Container: To clean up the container:
docker rm mern-shop-container
Run the backend and frontend concurrently:
npm run dev
Run the app using the following commands:
Build the image:
docker build -t mern-shop .
Run the container:
docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 3000:3000 mern-shop
The backend will be available at http://localhost:8000
The frontend will be available at http://localhost:3000
Command | Description |
npm start |
Starts the backend server. |
npm run client |
Starts the React frontend. |
npm run dev |
Runs both the frontend and backend concurrently. |
npm run build |
Builds the React app for production. |
npm run data:import |
Imports initial sample data into MongoDB. |
npm run data:destroy |
Destroys all data in MongoDB. |
βββ backend/
β βββ config/ # Database connection with Mongoose
β βββ controllers/ # Controller functions for handling request logic.
β βββ data/ # Sample data files for initial database population.
β βββ middleware/ # Custom middleware (e.g., authentication, error handling, asyncHandler).
β βββ models/ # Mongoose models(Schemas) for MongoDB collections.
β βββ routes/ # Express routes for API endpoints.
β βββ utils/ # Generating Token(JWT)
β βββ initialDataLoader.js # Script to import and destroy sample data.
β βββ server.js # Main server file to start the backend.
βββ frontend/
β βββ node_modules/ # Contains frontend dependencies.
β βββ public/ # Static files and the `index.html` template.
β βββ src/
β β βββ assets/ # Static assets such as images and styles.
β β βββ components/ # Reusable React components (e.g., Navbar, Footer).
β β βββ screens/ # React components representing pages/screens.
β β βββ slices/ # Redux slices for global state management.
β β βββ utils/ # Utility function for cart.
β β βββ App.js # Main app component for route management and provider setup.
β β βββ constants.js # Application-wide constants (API URLs).
β β βββ index.js # Entry point of the React app and Routers.
β β βββ Products.js # Component handling product-related logic.
β β βββ setupTests.js # Jest setup for testing.
β β βββ store.js # Redux store configuration.
βββ uploads/ # Directory for uploaded images (handled by Multer).
βββ .env # Environment variables for backend configuration.
βββ .gitignore # Git ignore file.
βββ Dockerfile # Instructions for building a Docker image
βββ .dockerignore # Specifies files and directories to ignore when building Docker images
βββ package-lock.json # Lock file for package dependencies.
βββ package.json # Project metadata and scripts.
βββ # Project documentation.
Frontend Proxy: The
field infrontend/package.json
ensures requests to/api
are proxied to the backend server during development. -
Mock Payment: The payment functionality is mocked and doesn't use real payment gateways.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.