A cute C++ library for easily parsing and manipulating JSON data structure.
Convert a json string to a plain C++ object. Then you can retrieve data or modify them by operating on the C++ object.
Now you have a json structural string like { "year": 2013, "month": 8, "day": 29 }, and just use
the static function ggicci::Json::Parse(const char*)
to get a ggicci::Json
object. Then you can do what you want on it. See below.
There're only two files: jsonla.h
and jsonla.cc
. You have to include jsonla.h
. And the
is ggicci
. We assume that using namespace ggicci;
already declared.
// from int
Json json(3);
// from double
Json json(4.23);
// from bool
Json json(true);
// from string, no parse
Json json("hello world");
// from a json string, parse
Json json = Json::Parse("[1, false, null, {\"name\": \"Ggicci\", \"age\": 21}");
// null
Json json; // json.IsNull(); --> true
Json json = Json::Parse("{ \
\"id\": 20130192, \
\"user\": \"ggicci\", \
\"mail\": \"ggicci@163.com\", \
\"password\": \"md5 code here\", \
\"birthday\": 19911110, \
\"gender\": 1, \
\"tags\": [ \
\"program fans\", \
\"dog\", \
\"nightbird\", \
\"anime fans\", \
\"almost perfectionist\" \
], \
\"motto\": null \
cout << json.ToString() << endl;
// output:
// { "birthday": 1.99111e+007, "gender": 1, "id": 2.01302e+010, "mail": "ggicci@163.com", "motto": null, "password": "md5 code here", "tags": [ "program fans", "dog", "nightbird", "anime fans", "almost perfectionist" ], "user": "ggicci" }
cout << json["id"].AsInt() << endl; // output: 20130192
cout << json["user"].AsString() << endl; // output: ggicci
cout << (json["motto"].IsNull() ? "lazy man leaves nothing..."
: json["motto"].AsString()) << endl; // output: lazy man leaves nothing...
// Traverse Array
Json &tags = json["tags"];
for (int i = 0; i < tags.Size(); ++i)
cout << tags[i].AsString() << endl;
// output:
// program fans
// dog
// nightbird
// anime fans
// almost perfectionist
// Traverse Object
vector<string> keys = json.Keys();
for (vector<string>::const_iterator cit = keys.begin();
cit != keys.end(); ++cit)
cout << *cit << ": " << json[cit->c_str()].ToString() << endl;
// output:
// birthday: 1.99111e+007
// gender: 1
// id: 2.01302e+007
// mail: "ggicci@163.com"
// motto: null
// password: "md5 code here"
// tags: [ "program fans", "dog", "nightbird", "anime fans", "almost perfectionist" ]
// user: "ggicci"
// Assignment
Json json; // null
json = 1; // 1
json = 3.234; // 3.234
json = true; // true
json = "hello"; // "hello"
json = Json::Parse("[1, 2, 3, 4]"); // array
json = Json(); // null
// Reference
Json json = Json::Parse("[1, 2, 3, 4]");
json[0] = 0; // [0, 2, 3, 4]
Json &second = json[1];
second = "hello"; // [ 0, "hello", 3, 4 ]
// Copy
Json json = Json::Parse("[1, 2, 3, 4]");
Json co_third = json[2];
co_third = true; // [1, 2, 3, 4]
// Push Values to Array
Json json(1);
// [ 1, "hello", null, { } ]
// Add Properties to an Object
Json json = Json::Parse("{}");
json.AddProperty("id", Json(1))
.AddProperty("name", Json("ggicci"))
.AddProperty("motto", Json());
// { "id": 1, "motto": null, "name": "ggicci" }
// Exception(a bad conversion) will be thrown if you apply
// AddProperty() on a non-object Json object.
// Remove Item from an Array, no cascade
Json json = Json::Parse("[1, 2, 3, 4]");
json.Remove(8); // invalid index do noting
cout << json.ToString() << endl;
// [ 2, 4 ]
// Remove Item from an Object, can cascade
Json json = Json::Parse("{ \"id\": 123, \"name\": \"ggicci\", \"gender\": 1 }");
cout << json.ToString() << endl;
// { "name": "ggicci" }
// Parse Exception
Json json = Json::Parse("[1, 2, 3, 4, ]");
catch (exception& e)
cout << e.what() << endl; // SyntaxError: Unexpected token ] at pos 13
// Convert Exception
Json json = Json::Parse("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]");
json[0].AsString(); // should use AsInt() or AsDouble().
catch (exception& e)
cout << e.what() << endl; // a bad conversion
There may exist potential bugs, if you found some bugs, please be sure to let me know.