✨ Welcome to the Faylab Lab Manual! ✨
This bookdown document is intended to be used for incoming, current, and outgoing members of the Fay lab group. If we missed anything, please let Gavin Fay (gfay@umassd.edu) or Ashleigh Novak (anovak@umassd.edu) know. You can also do a pull request and we will review the changes.
We hope this has all the answers you need!
The content for this book was developed as part of our group’s participation in the Openscapes Champions program. We are extremely grateful to and acknowledge Dr. Julia Stewart Lowndes’ role in helping shape how our lab both works and how we articulate our identity.
The Faylab Lab Manual is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Want to adapt the lab manual for your group? This short tutorial steps through how to make your own copy of the lab manual repository and set it up so that it automatically publishes the book to the web (and updates as you make changes).