Vert-X module with some facilities for Groovy web developers.
Look at beans.groovy as an example. This is the Grails DSL for building the application structure. Just follow the documentation on Runtime Spring with the Beans DSL
Extending SpringVerticle you may leverage the Spring context adding IoC feature to your application. At startup the system load the context (beans.groovy) and run the init() method. Automatically, all beans initialized on spring context are available as properties in your SpringVerticle implementation:
..beans.groovy beans { myList(ArrayList) } ..MySpringVerticle.groovy def init(){ myList.add 'item1' }
Using StaticResources for mapping all files under a specified folder, make it easy to add a static web server on your Vert-X module.
You may cache the resources in order to improve performance in production stage. The component enable HTTP caching and gzip compression as well, when the client is able to handle with it.
I wrote JsonMatcher for handling json parsing in case of json posts. If the request is 'application/json' it parses the document and inject the 'body' field in the request, then passing it to the target closure
Http request POST /article Content-Type: application/json {"title":"...", "text":"...."} post('/article', {request-> assert request.hasProperty('body') assert request.body.title == '...' })
Simply importing Session as the example:
..bean.groovy beans { session(Session) { vertx = vertx dbutil = dbutil timeout = container.config.session.timeout log = log } dbutil(DB) { eventBus = vertx.eventBus log = log } jsonMatcher(JsonMatcher) { log = log } myRouter(MyRouter){ session = session matcher = jsonMatcher } } and MyRouter.groovy class MyVerticle extends SpringVerticle { @Delegate Session session def matcher @PostConstruct def init(){ matcher.with{ post('/article',{request-> startSession(request){session-> assert session != null } }) } } }
Session component tracks with JSESSIONID Http cookie and corresponding document in 'session' mongodb collection. the system map the 'uid' field in the session document as 'user' document, in order to have full access of logged user when you make use of Session methods (ifSession, startSession, requireSession).
Extending EnvironmentVersioning and implementing progressive methods according to the environment (prod, test, dev) it's possible to setup changes in the DB and store the versioning.
class MyVersion extends EnvironmentVersioning { def prod1 = { } def prod2 = { ..... } }
all step regularly executed are persisted in the 'versioning' collection. The class automatically check if new steps are inserted and proceed to execute them once.