Load resources for the website
Via Composer
composer require getpop/resourceloader
The source code is hosted on the GatoGraphQL monorepo, under SiteBuilder/packages/resourceloader
Initialize the component:
Layouts are rendered through custom-built reactivity, based on observing a unique JavaScript object (which contains database and configuration data).
The view is implemented through Handlebars templates, which can be loaded both in the client (through the Handlebars runtime) and in the server (through PHP library LightnCandy). This approach is isomorphic: the same code works on both environments.
Implementation coming soon.
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
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Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
Will be added soon...
- PHP 8.1+ for development
- PHP 7.2+ for production
Check the list of Supported PHP features in GatoGraphQL/GatoGraphQL
Via Rector (dry-run mode):
composer preview-code-downgrade
To check the coding standards via PHP CodeSniffer, run:
composer check-style
To automatically fix issues, run:
composer fix-style
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
To execute PHPUnit, run:
composer test
To execute PHPStan, run:
composer analyse
To report a bug or request a new feature please do it on the GatoGraphQL monorepo issue tracker.
We welcome contributions for this package on the GatoGraphQL monorepo (where the source code for this package is hosted).
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email leo@getpop.org instead of using the issue tracker.
GNU General Public License v2 (or later). Please see License File for more information.