Releases: gestalt-config/gestalt
Support for file reloading
Added reload strategies for file change and time based that will send an event to a listener.
Gestalt will listen for reload events and reload the config nodes and rebuild the tree.
Add ability to listen to Gestalt for events when it reloads. The Cache will listen for core gestalt changes.
Kotlin Support
Add Kotlin support with Kotlin specific decoders and extension functions to make setting up the builder and getting the configs easier.
Add many more decoders including: BigInteger, BigDecimal, Date, File, Instant, LocalDateTime, LocalDate, Path, Pattern, UUID.
First test publish
The gestalt library is in an experimental but functional state.
Supports loading configs from property files, a provided map, environment variables.
Parses the configs and turns them into a set of tokens then a config node tree.
Can merge multiple configs of different sources together.
Users can get a Java basic type, enums, lists, sets, or simple classes. The simple classes must have a default constructor with no parameters, or no constructor defined.
A simple builder allows the creation of the gestalt library.
Unit tests and integration tests cover 94% of the code, and more importantly tests were used to push the quality of the code up and bugs down.