Releases: gestalt-config/gestalt
Overload gestalt with a default option instead of having a gestaltDefault
Change the DI api to overload gestalt with a default option instead of having a gestaltDefault.
Gestalt integration with Kodein and Koin to inject configuration
Gestalt integration with Kodein and Koin to inject configuration.
Update dependencies.
Update dependencies
Update Kotlin to 1.5.20
Update Gradle to 7.1.1
Update AWS to 2.16.95
Update jGit to
Update slf4j to 1.7.31
Update many test libraries and static code analysis.
Cleanup readme.
Update kotlin to 1.5.10
Update Kotlin to languageVersion = "1.5"
Update static code analysis.
Cleanup code for static code analysis.
Update dependencies
Update Kotlin to 1.5.10
Update Gradle to 7.0.2
Update AWS to 2.16.73
Update jGit to
Update many test libraries.
Java Records Support
Support for Records using reflection so we don't depend on JDK 16. But you need JDK 16 to use records.
Update to gradle 7.
Update dependencies.
Reduce Logging
Cleanup several duplicate validation errors.
Reduced some logging from warn to info for optional and default gets.
Node Post Processor
post processor now supports transforming from another config tree node with ${node:abc.def.hij}
Post Processor
Create a post processor that allows you to modify the results of a config tree.
Implement a TransformerPostProcessor that allows you to do string replacement of the form ${name:key}.
Provided three TransformerPostProcessor:
- EnvironmentVariablesTransformer for Environment Variables
- SystemPropertiesTransformer for system properties
- CustomMapTransformer for providing your own custom values.
Git Configuration Source
Syncs a remote repo locally then uses the files to build a configuration. This uses jgit and supports several forms of authentication. See for examples of use.