This repo extends the eclipse demo-project "XMLExamples" with some examples that I develop during the lecture and lab of my course "Datamanagement with XML" held at FH Vorarlberg. The eclipse project has been renamed to "xml-examples" for this purpose.
This repo contains a project for the Eclipse IDE, hence, you will need a running Eclipse installation. I strongly recommend a recent "Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers". For me, the easiest way to do that is by using the eclipse installer, which you can download here: Eclipse Installer.
In order to download this project, or better "git clone" this project, I recommend a local installation of the git command line tools on your development machine.
Fork and clone this repo
- If you have a GitHub account:
- In GitHub: fork this repo into your personal GitHub account.
- On your local machine: create a directory outside of your eclipse workspace.
- Change into that directory and clone your forked repo to your development machine:
git clone<your git account>/xml-examples.git
- If you don't have a GitHub account:
- On your local machine: create a directory outside of your eclipse workspace.
- Change into that directory and clone the repo e.g. on a bash command line:
git clone
- If you have a GitHub account:
Import the project into eclipse:
- Select menu "File" > "Import…"
- in the dialog open folder "General" select "Existing Projects into Workspace" and click button "Next >"
- use the option "Select root directory"
- chose the directory "xml-examples", that has been created by the git clone above and click button "Finish".