A bunch off Python scripts that you can use to audit if every GIT user within your organization has two factor authentication enabled.
Configurable python script that checks 2fa for every Github user in your organization.
It will create an overview of all the users that haven't enabled 2 factor authentication.
It will send this overview to predefined email addresses.
It can optionally send an email to the affected users with some instructions (i.e. SEND_EMAIL_TO_USERS and GITHUB_INSTRUCTIONS_DOC configuration settings).
It has 2 optional arguments:
--skip-sending-email Don't send an email, show it instead
--dont-update-counter Don't update the alert counter in the sqlite database
get_all_teams_for_org.py Gives an overview of all the teams that are available for your organization.
get_member_details.py Helper script that shows details from a Github user
add_member_to_org.py Add a github user to a team within the organization that is defined in config.py
delete_member_from_org.py Remove a github user from the organization that is defined in config.py
get_github_users_from_ad.py Check if all Github users within an organisation are registered in LDAP It has 1 optional argument: --skip-sending-email Don't send an email, show it instead
get_duplicate_github_names_from_ad.py Check if the same Github user name has been registered multiple times in Active Directory. It has 1 optional argument: --skip-sending-email Don't send an email, show it instead
check_forks.py Get all public and private repositories for an organization. For the private repositories it will list the forks as well. It has 1 optional argument: --skip-sending-email Don't send an email, show it instead
search_org_code.py Helper script that searches through the source code in all the repositories from the organization. It will export the results to an Excel file Arguments: --terms Term(s) to search for --excel Excel file name --extension (optional) Extension filter (i.e. py, c, xml), don't add a dot.
- Install Python 2.7 (http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/starting/install/win/)
- git clone https://github.com/gerwout/github-two-factor-auth-audit.git
- cd github-two-factor-auth-audit
- Create a virtual environment (i.e. virtualenv github-mfa-audit)
- Switch to that virtual environment (i.e. run activate.bat in the virtual environment)
- Install the requirements (i.e. pip install -r requirements.txt), binary python-ldap package for Windows can be found here: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#python-ldap
- Configure the script (i.e. edit config.py)
- You can now run python check_mfa.py
- Install Python 2.7
- apt-get install python2.7 python-pip
- Install virtual environment
- pip install virtualenv
- pip install virtualenvwrapper
- mkdir ~/virtualenvs
- edit
/.bashrc Add the following lines: export WORKON_HOME=/virtualenvs source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
- Create a virtual environment
- mkvirtualenv github-mfa-audit
- git clone https://github.com/gerwout/github-two-factor-auth-audit.git
- Install the requirements (i.e. pip install -r requirements.txt)
- Configure the script (i.e. edit config.py)
- You can now run python check_mfa.py
All the configuration settings are defined in the config.py file. It's also possible to create a local_config.py script that contains these settings. If you have a config.py and a local_config.py the local_config.py will have preference.
GitHubAuthKey = ""
OAUTH Token: a Github personal access token is needed to be able to query the Github api. Logon to Github and navigate to settings -> applications -> personal access tokens to generate one. The read:org scope is needed for the check_mfa.py script to function properly. To be able to add and/or delete users from an organization the admin:org scope is needed.
Organisation = ""
Name of the organisation Go to https://github.com/settings/organizations to find the correct name.
DefaultTeamId = ""
Default team id for adding users to an organization, use the get_all_teams_for_org.py to find the id
SMTPServer = ""
Mail server that will send the email (i.e.
SMTPAuth = False
Do you need to authenticate on the smtp server? (True or False)
SMTPUser = ""
SMTP user name (optional, only set when SMTPAuth = True)
SMTPPass = ""
SMTP password (optional, only set when SMTPAuth = True)
FromAddress = "githubauditor@example.com"
The Address that sends the email
Receivers = []
Add email addresses that need to receive the email
SQLFile = ""
The location of the Sqlite database (if it does not exists, it will be created). On Windows escape the backslash, i.e.: c:\\databases\\multi_factor.db
Your ldap/active directory server sends a certificate, this should be validated (value needs to be True or False). It's not a good idea to turn this off, it makes your SSL/TLS connection vulnerable for MITM attacks.
The certificate of the certificate authority that has signed the certificate from the LDAP/Active Directory server This needs to be a base64 encoded pem file On Windows escape the backslash, i.e.: c:\trusted-certs\certificate.pem Only used when LDAP_REQUIRE_VALID_CERT = True
Hostname of the LDAP / Active Directory server. i.e. ldap://ad.domain.local:389 or ldaps://ad.domain.local:636
Name of the field that contains the Github user name, it's case sensitive. i.e. extensionAttribute1 can be used if you don't want to change your AD schema.
Username that is going to query the LDAP / Active Directory server i.e. username@domain.local.
Password that is used to authenticate.
Domain that is going to be queried (i.e. domain.local).
Organisational unit(s) that will be used when searching the LDAP / Active Directory server
Github user names that will be ignored if they are found while using the get_gitgub_users_from_ad.py script
Send an email with Github 2fa instructions to the user (True or False)
GITHUB_INSTRUCTIONS_DOC = "c:\\docs\\multi_factor.pdf"
Location of the document that contains instructions to setup 2fa in Github
Cache the Github responses (True or False)
Amount of seconds that the Github cache will be re-used
If the configuration option SEND_EMAIL_TO_USERS = True and the GITHUB_INSTRUCTIONS_DOC setting is set, it will send an email with instructions to all the affected users. The default email text is defined in templates/email_instructions.html. If you copy this file in templates/custom/email_instructions.html this file will be used instead. This way it's possible to customize the text within the email.