Bash CGI script which issues an ical calendar of your current Jira worklogs
The idea is to allow for a personal daily retrospective in your calendar (Google, iCalendar, Outlook, etc.). Each calendar entry has an URL to edit Jira worklog directly. For each day with worklogs there is a full day event with the total time tracked on that day.
The script contains just a single SQL which returns an ical event for each Jira worklog and in addition a full day event with the sum of all worklogs of a day.
Grab it and modify to your liking and subscribe to your new calendar.
Note: There's also a REST-API to achieve the same without DB-Access: /rest/api/2/search?jql=worklogAuthor=&fields=worklog
- Jira on Unix and Postgres
- Access to cgi-bin direcory
- Credentials for Postgres Jira user
- copy the script,
- paste it into your cgi-bin directory,
- make it executeable and
- adjust variables inside script. Then
- run it on command line to test and
- request it in browser. Finally
- add URL to your calendar program and
- enjoy.