Releases: gerph/riscos-prminxml-examples
Releases · gerph/riscos-prminxml-examples
Example PRM-in-XML files to show off the features of the PRM-in-XML toolchain.
The release archive contains the generated HTML as well as the XML source.
Changes from v0.0.12:
- Publishes to GitHub pages when released.
- Added the OptionsWindow Toolbox object.
- Added the Program Environment from RISC OS Pyromaniac.
- Includes a generated index page to link each document.
- Uses the most recent full release of PRM-in-XML:
Example PRM-in-XML files, extended from the earlier release with Pyromaniac to include the Release10 examples.
The release archive contains the generated HTML as well as the XML source.
Changes from v0.0.10:
- Uses the most recent pre-release of prm-in-xml:
Example PRM-in-XML files, extended from the earlier release with Pyromaniac to include the Release10 examples.
The release archive contains the generated HTML as well as the XML source.
Changes from v0.0.7:
- Automated build using the recent release of the PRM-in-XML tool.
- Includes both HTML and PDF generated documentation.