A python script utilysing the deSEC.io DNS api to manipulate DNS resource records from the command line.
This project consist of two components. The deSEC api class handling all requests to the api and there responses. The second component is the command-line script utilising the api class.
To format the console output, the cli script uses the tabulate library which needs to be installed.
pip install pyyaml tabulate
On macOS, the default python installation requires to install python modules a the following way.
sudo python -m pip install pyyaml tabulate
Before requests to the deSEC API can be made, the authorization token need to be configured. Together with the api url, these settings need to be stored in a config file named desec-dns-cli.yml. This file should look like this. (en axample config file is available)
api_url: https://desec.io/api/v1/domains/
api_token: 123api456token789
With this settings in the config file, the script / class can access the api.
The scripts functionality is splitted into commands and subcommands. The command defined as "domain" or "rrset" specify the information to manage. The action specifies a specific operation to be performed. This can be "list", "create", "delete" and "modify".
Not every action is allowed on every command. Some actions require options others allow optional options to be provided. See the complete list of commands, actions and there options below.
usage: desec-dns-cli.py [-h] [--debug] Command Action [Options]
A python script utilysing the deSEC DNS api to manipulate DNS resource records
from the command line.
Command, Action and Options:
domain list list domains of the account
--zone DNAME show a specific domain instead of all (optional)
--sort SORT select the field to sort the output (optional)
domain create create new domains in the account
--zone DNAME specifies the domain name to be created
domain delete delete domains from the account
--zone DNAME specifies the domain name to be deleted
rrset list list rrsets for a domain
--zone DNAME specify the domain / zone to list the rrsets for
--type TYPE filter the rrsets by type (A, MX, TXT, ...) (optional)
--subname SUBNAME filter the rrsets by sub-domain / host-part (www, ...) (optional)
--sort SORT select the field to sort the output (optional)
rrset create create a new rrsets for a domain
--zone DNAME specify the domain / zone to add the rrsets to
--type TYPE specify the type of the rrset (A, MX, TXT, ...)
--ttl TTL specify the ttl in seconds for the rrset
--subname SUBNAME specify the sub-domain / host-part for the rrset
--records RECORDS specify the records as comma separated list. Text records
must contain quotes which requires to state the argument
douple-quoted like this '"Text Record 1","Text Record 2"'
while MX records contain a priority and a text component,
the priority should be outside the second quotes like
this '10 smtp1.domain.tld.,20 smtp2.domain.tld.'
rrset modify modify a rrsets from a domain
--zone DNAME specify the domain / zone to modify the rrsets
--type TYPE specify the type of the rrset (A, MX, TXT, ...)
--ttl TTL specify the ttl in seconds for the rrset (optional)
--subname SUBNAME specify the sub-domain / host-part for the rrset
--records RECORDS specify the records as comma separated list. Text records
must contain quotes which requires to state the argument
douple-quoted like this '"Text Record 1","Text Record 2"'
while MX records contain a priority and a text component,
the priority should be outside the second quotes like
this '10 smtp1.domain.tld.,20 smtp2.domain.tld.' (optional)
rrset delete delete a rrsets for a domain
--zone DNAME specify the domain / zone to modify the rrsets
--type TYPE specify the type of the rrset (A, MX, TXT, ...)
--subname SUBNAME specify the sub-domain / host-part for the rrset
Global options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug show debug information (optional)