Some classes and functions I use when working with root
A TChain with selection indices
The idea is that you run once on all events, and a TEntryList is cached for each selection. On the following runs one can loop on the interesting entries only.
Each selection is identified by a TCut, but the TCut itself is only used as a bookkeping tool (for example it can contain variables that are computed on the fly, not present in the tree).
Example usage:
chain = IndexedChain(treename)
chain.retrieve_entrylists([cut1, cut2, cut3])
# loop on cut, then loop on entry
for cut in chain.tcuts_with_existing_list():
for event in chain:
# fill histograms
# loop on entry then loop on cut
for ientry in xrange(chain.GetEntries()):
for cut in chain.tcuts_without_existing_list():
# here you must assign all the variables needed by tcut
cut_name, cut_expr = cut.GetName(), cut.GetTitle()
pass_cut = eval(cut_expr)
if pass_cut:
# fill histograms
chain.add_entry_to_list(cut, ientry)
Jan 2015