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MarkLogic Data Classifier

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Do YOU have a bunch of data specifically regarding sports? Well youve come to the right place. Here you will find an implementation of what you'll need.

We are Team Mark, a software development team based out of Cal Poly and we welcome you to our github page. Currently we are developing a Machine Learning Data Classifier specifically applied to sports data. Our machine learner classifies data for the sports of soccer, football, baseball, hockey, and basketball. Currently our machine learner uses linear SVC and naive bayes to classify sports data based on column names and key identifiers.

Future development involves removal of any found defects and stylization of our current UI and UX. We will also be working on improving the efficiency of our classification strategy by using a more in depth ontology.

Here is a list of all the necessary licensing for any 3rd party dependancies that we use:
-Docker 18.09.4 Apache Software License
-Click 7.0 BSD License
-Flask 1.0.2 BSD License
-Flask-Bcrypt 0.7.1 BSD License
-Flask-Cors 3.0.6 MIT License
-Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.3.2 BSD License
-Flask-Testing 0.6.2 BSD License
-Jinja2 2.10.1 BSD License
-MarkupSafe 1.1.1 BSD License
-PyJWT 1.7.1 MIT License
-SQLAlchemy 1.3.2 MIT License
-Werkzeug 0.15.2 BSD License
-atomicwrites 1.3.0 MIT License
-attrs 19.1.0 MIT License
-bcrypt 3.1.6 Apache Software License
-boto3 1.9.60 Apache Software License
-botocore 1.12.130 Apache Software License
-cffi 1.12.2 UNKNOWN
-coverage 4.5.3 Apache Software License
-docutils 0.14 Public Domain, Python Software Foundation License, BSD License, GNU General Public License (GPL) -gunicorn 19.8.1 MIT License
-itsdangerous 1.1.0 BSD License
-jmespath 0.9.4 MIT License
-more-itertools 7.0.0 MIT License
-pluggy 0.9.0 MIT License
-postgres 2.2.2 CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
-psycopg2 2.7.4 GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Zope Public License
-psycopg2-binary 2.8.1 GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Zope Public License
-py 1.8.0 MIT License
-pycparser 2.19 BSD License
-pytest 4.1.1 MIT License
-pytest-cov 2.6.1 BSD License
-python-dateutil 2.8.0 BSD License, Apache Software License
-s3transfer 0.1.13 Apache Software License
-six 1.12.0 MIT License
-urllib3 1.24.1 MIT License -numpy 1.16.2 BSD License -scipy 1.2.1 BSD License -scikit-learn 0.20.2 BSD License -jupyter 5.7.8 BSD License -pandas 0.24.2 BSD License

Installation Steps

To run the Backend:

  1. INSTALL DOCKER (Use desktop install, not homebrew)
  3. Run the script
  4. Go to http://localhost/users/ping
  5. You should see something. If you don't pls let me know cuz that's not good.

Also, check out http://localhost/users and http://localhost/users/<user_id>

Theoretically, this will be the code / microservice for users / login / account stuff. That's why its in the "users" folder. Other services we add (like the machine learning, file upload, all that) will have their own folders, and their own containers. All these containers are joined by the docker-compose-dev.yml (or prod) file.

To run the Front-End:

  1. ensure you have the appropriate version of yarn or npm
  2. Clone the repo from using the command 'git clone' into the directory
  3. run yarn/npm install to load all of the external depencencies of the project 4A. - if running locally install the CORS allow plugin for chrome to allow external GET/POST requests to function as if its been deployed - run yarn start to run locally - configure the urlAssets file in /utils to hit your desired endpoint link for the backend 4B. to deploy to s3 use the amazon aws cli with s3 - create an s3 bucket with public policy and public access - setup the AWS CLI using aws configue and entering in your secret credentials - run yarn run build && yarn deploy to deploy to that s3 bucket - access the code through your buckets link

Navigate to your designated endpoint (either http://localhost:3000 or your AWS S3 Bucket link) and use the software

To Set up your AWS Account

  1. Create your AWS account. This needs to be a real AWS account and not a student version
  2. Navigate to the Console and go to IAM
  3. Create a role for EC2 and give it Full Access to EC2, IAM, and S3. Name it as you please
  4. Navigate to the Console and go to EC2 so we can spin up an instance for your public facing classifier
  5. Create a t2.micro instance with standard or custom settings and use the IAM Role you built as the IAM Role for the instance
  6. Navigate to S3, create two buckets, one for classified and one for originals, name them as you please
  7. Change the names on the docker compose file to reflect the names of your buckets
  8. Naviate back over to IAM and create a role for your personal use on your machine. Make sure your permissions allow full access to S3. Keep track of your public and private keys for later

To Set up AWS Credentials for local development

  1. On your LOCAL machine, create a hidden directory at HOME ~/ called ".aws"
  2. Create a file named "credentails" and follow this format:

[default] aws_access_key_id = AKIA#################### aws_secret_access_key = #######################################

  1. Create a file named "config" and follow this format based on the region you made your credentials in

[default] region=us-east-1

  1. The rest should be taken care of and you can now use the backend on your localhost