A powerful video processing tool built with Qt that allows you to manage, preview, and merge video files.
- 🎥 Video Preview: Built-in video player with playback controls
- 📋 Video List Management: Add, remove, and reorder videos
- 🔄 Video Merging: Combine multiple videos into one
- 🎨 Customization Options:
- Quality settings adjustment
- FPS (Frames Per Second) control
- Audio track removal option
- 👁️ Thumbnail Preview: Automatic thumbnail generation for videos
- ⏱️ Processing Time Tracking
- 📝 Detailed Operation Logs
The main interface consists of two main sections:
Left side:
- Video list area with thumbnails
- Drag and drop support for reordering
- Right-click menu for file operations
Right side:
Watch this quick tutorial to get started:
- Right-click on the video list area to:
- Add videos: Select one or multiple video files (supports mp4, avi, mkv formats)
- Remove videos: Delete the selected video from the list
- Double-click a video to load it into the player for preview
- Drag and drop videos to rearrange their order for merging
- Click the play button to play/pause the video
- Use the progress slider to adjust the playback position
- Current time and total duration are displayed below the player
Click "Merge Video" to combine videos with the following options:
- Audio Track Removal: Check this option to remove sound from the output video
- Quality Settings: Choose from three quality levels
- Original Quality: Maintains the original video quality
- Medium Quality: 720p resolution (2Mbps bitrate)
- Low Quality: 480p resolution (1Mbps bitrate)
- Frame Rate: Select between two options
- 60 FPS: Smooth motion, ideal for action videos
- 30 FPS: Standard frame rate, suitable for most content
- Processing Time: Shows the time spent on video processing
- A progress bar will appear during processing
The log output area displays:
- Processing information in real-time
- FFmpeg command details
- Progress updates
- Any errors or warnings during processing
- Qt 6.x or Qt 5.x
- C++17 compatible compiler
- FFmpeg (included in Windows builds)
- Make sure you have Qt and CMake installed
- Clone the repository
- Run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.
This project was developed with the power of AI assistance:
- Project Lead: gerald057
- Development Environment: Cursor IDE
- AI Pair Programming: Powered by Cursor's AI Assistant
Fun fact: The entire codebase was crafted through human-AI collaboration, showcasing the potential of modern development workflows! 🚀
- 🎥 视频预览:内置视频播放器及播放控制
- 📋 视频列表管理:添加、删除和重新排序视频
- 🔄 视频合并:将多个视频合并为一个
- 🎨 自定义选项:
- 质量设置调节
- FPS(帧率)控制
- 音轨移除选项
- 👁️ 缩略图预览:自动生成视频缩略图
- ⏱️ 处理时间跟踪
- 📝 详细操作日志
- 视频列表区域,显示缩略图
- 支持拖拽重新排序
- 右键菜单进行文件操作
- 在视频列表区域右键点击:
- 添加视频:选择一个或多个视频文件(支持mp4、avi、mkv格式)
- 删除视频:从列表中删除选中的视频
- 双击视频可将其加载到播放器中预览
- 通过拖拽可以调整视频的合并顺序
- 点击播放按钮播放/暂停视频
- 使用进度条调整播放位置
- 播放器下方显示当前时间和总时长
- 消除音轨:勾选此选项可以移除导出视频的声音
- 清晰度:提供三种清晰度选择
- 原画质量:保持原始视频质量
- 中等画质:720p分辨率(2Mbps码率)
- 低清画质:480p分辨率(1Mbps码率)
- 帧率:提供两种选择
- 60 FPS:流畅画面,适合动作视频
- 30 FPS:标准帧率,适合大多数内容
- 处理时间:显示视频处理所花费的时间
- 处理过程中会显示进度条
- 实时处理信息
- FFmpeg命令详情
- 进度更新信息
- 处理过程中的错误和警告
- Qt 6.x 或 Qt 5.x
- 支持C++17的编译器
- FFmpeg(Windows版本已包含)
- 确保已安装Qt和CMake
- 克隆仓库
- 运行以下命令:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
- 项目主导:gerald057
- 开发环境:Cursor IDE
- AI结对编程:由Cursor AI助手提供支持