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github-actions[bot] committed Dec 13, 2024
0 parents commit 9e9cc46
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Showing 1,124 changed files with 68,427 additions and 0 deletions.
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Binary file added _images/Chargeability_definition.png
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions _images/DCR_DipoleDipole_Array.svg

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions _images/DCR_Gradient-Schlumberger_Array.svg

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382 changes: 382 additions & 0 deletions _images/
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Script for the forward modeling of DC resistivity data over a synthetic
two-sphere model. The user can define the parameters of the mesh
and model, as well as the type of survey ('pdp' | 'dpdp')
The program outputs a section through the model ("TwoSphere.png") as
well as an animation for the current and charge density as a function
of source location.
Created on Mon December 7th, 2015
@author: dominiquef

from SimPEG import *
import SimPEG.DCIP as DC
import pylab as plt
from pylab import get_current_fig_manager
import time
import re
import scipy.interpolate as interpolation
from matplotlib import animation
from JSAnimation import HTMLWriter

# Specify survey type
stype = 'pdp'
dtype = 'appc'

# Survey parameters
a = 20 # Tx-Rx seperation
b = 10 # Dipole spacing
n = 1 # Number of Rx per Tx

# Model parameters (background, sphere1, sphere2)
sig = np.r_[1e-2,1e-1,1e-3]

# Centroid of spheres
loc = np.c_[[-100.,0.,-100.],[100.,0.,-100.]]

# Radius of spheres
radi = np.r_[50.,50.]

# Forward solver
slvr = 'BiCGStab' #'LU'

# Preconditioner
pcdr = 'Jacobi'#

# Inversion parameter
pct = 0.01
flr = 5e-5
chifact = 100
ref_mod = 1e-2

# DOI threshold
cutoff = 0.8

# number of padding cells
padc = 0

# Plotting param
xmin, xmax = -200, 200
zmin, zmax = -200, 0
vmin = -3.
vmax = -1.
depth = 200. # Maximum depth to plot
dx_in = 5

srvy_end = [(-200. , 0.), (200. , 0.)]
# Create mesh
nx = int(np.abs(srvy_end[0][0] - srvy_end[1][0]) /dx_in)
ny = int( np.max(radi) /dx_in )
nz = int( np.abs( np.min(loc[2,:]) - np.max(radi) ) /dx_in )

# Create mesh
hxind = [(dx_in,13,-1.3), (dx_in, nx), (dx_in,13,1.3)]
hyind = [(dx_in,13,-1.3), (dx_in, ny), (dx_in,13,1.3)]
hzind = [(dx_in,13,-1.3),(dx_in, nz)]

mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hxind, hyind, hzind], 'CCN')

# Set background conductivity
model = np.ones(mesh.nC) * sig[0]

# First anomaly
ind = Utils.ModelBuilder.getIndicesSphere(loc[:,0],radi[0],mesh.gridCC)
model[ind] = sig[1]

# Second anomaly
ind = Utils.ModelBuilder.getIndicesSphere(loc[:,1],radi[1],mesh.gridCC)
model[ind] = sig[2]

#Set boundary conditions

Div = mesh.faceDiv
Grad = mesh.cellGrad
Msig = Utils.sdiag(1./(mesh.aveF2CC.T*(1./model)))

A = Div*Msig*Grad

# Change one corner to deal with nullspace
A[0,0] = 1
A = sp.csc_matrix(A)

start_time = time.time()

if re.match(slvr,'BiCGStab'):
# Create Jacobi Preconditioner
if re.match(pcdr,'Jacobi'):
dA = A.diagonal()
P = sp.spdiags(1/dA,0,A.shape[0],A.shape[0])

#LDinv = sp.linalg.splu(LD)

elif re.match(slvr,'LU'):
# Factor A matrix
Ainv = sp.linalg.splu(A)
print("LU DECOMP--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

#%% Create survey
# Display top section
top = int(mesh.nCz)-1

ax_prim = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
dat1 = mesh.plotSlice(model, ind=top, normal='Z', grid=False, pcolorOpts={'alpha':0.5}, ax =ax_prim)
# plt.xlim([423200,423750])
# plt.ylim([546350,546650])
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')

# Keep creating sections until returns an empty ginput (press enter on figure)
#while bool(gin)==True:

# Bring back the plan view figure and pick points

# Takes two points from ginput and create survey

#gin = plt.ginput(2, timeout = 0)

# Add z coordinate to all survey... assume flat
nz = mesh.vectorNz
var = np.c_[np.asarray(srvy_end),np.ones(2).T*nz[-1]]

# Snap the endpoints to the grid. Easier to create 2D section.
indx = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, var )
endl = np.c_[mesh.gridCC[indx,0],mesh.gridCC[indx,1],np.ones(2).T*nz[-1]]

[survey2D, Tx, Rx] = DC.gen_DCIPsurvey(endl, mesh, stype, a, b, n)

dl_len = np.sqrt( np.sum((endl[0,:] - endl[1,:])**2) )
dl_x = ( Tx[-1][0,1] - Tx[0][0,0] ) / dl_len
dl_y = ( Tx[-1][1,1] - Tx[0][1,0] ) / dl_len
azm = np.arctan(dl_y/dl_x)

#%% Create a 2D mesh along axis of Tx end points and keep z-discretization
dx = np.min( [ np.min(mesh.hx), np.min(mesh.hy), dx_in ])
ncx = np.ceil(dl_len/dx)+3
ncz = np.ceil( depth / dx )

padx = dx*np.power(1.4,range(1,padc))

# Creating padding cells
hx = np.r_[padx[::-1], np.ones(ncx)*dx , padx]
hz = np.r_[padx[::-1], np.ones(ncz)*dx]

# Create 2D mesh
x0 = srvy_end[0][0] - np.sum(padx) * np.cos(azm)
y0 = srvy_end[0][1] - np.sum(padx) * np.sin(azm)
mesh2d = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hz], x0=(x0,mesh.vectorNz[-1] - np.sum(hz) ))

#%% Create array of points for interpolating from 3D to 2D mesh
xx = x0 + (np.cumsum(mesh2d.hx) - mesh2d.hx/2) * np.cos(azm)
yy = y0 + (np.cumsum(mesh2d.hx) - mesh2d.hx/2) * np.sin(azm)
zz = mesh2d.vectorCCy

[XX,ZZ] = np.meshgrid(xx,zz)
[YY,ZZ] = np.meshgrid(yy,zz)

xyz2d = np.c_[mkvc(XX),mkvc(YY),mkvc(ZZ)]

F = interpolation.NearestNDInterpolator(mesh.gridCC,model)
m2D = np.reshape(F(xyz2d),[mesh2d.nCx,mesh2d.nCy]).T

#%% Plot a section through the spheres
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize = (6,4))


im1 = axs.pcolormesh(mesh2d.vectorCCx,mesh2d.vectorCCy,np.log10(m2D))

# Add colorbar
cbar = fig.colorbar(im1, orientation="horizontal", ticks=np.linspace(vmin,vmax, 3), format="$10^{%.1f}$")
cbar.set_label("Conductivity S/m",size=10)

plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax, 5)
axs.set_xticks(map(int, x))
axs.set_xticklabels(map(str, map(int, x)),size=12)
z = np.linspace(zmin,zmax, 5)
axs.set_yticks(map(int, z))
axs.set_yticklabels(map(str, map(int, z)),size=12)

circle1=plt.Circle((-98,-98),50,color='w',fill=False, lw=3)
circle2=plt.Circle((102,-98),50,color='k',fill=False, lw=3)

for ss in range(survey2D.nSrc):
tx = survey2D.srcList[ss].loc[0]

tx = survey2D.srcList[1].loc[0]
axs.scatter(tx[0],tx[2],c='r',s=50, marker='v')

#%% Forward model data
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize = (6,4))


#pos = axs.get_position()
#axs.set_position([pos.x0 , pos.y0+0.2, pos.width, pos.height])

#im1 = axs.pcolormesh([],[],[], alpha=0.75,extent = (xx[0],xx[-1],yy[-1],yy[0]),interpolation='nearest',vmin=-1e-2, vmax=1e-2)
#im2 = axs.pcolormesh([],[],[],alpha=0.2,extent = (xx[0],xx[-1],yy[-1],yy[0]),interpolation='nearest',cmap='gray')
#im1 = axs.pcolormesh(xx,zz,np.zeros((mesh2d.nCy,mesh2d.nCx)), alpha=0.75,vmin=-1e-2, vmax=1e-2)
im2 = axs.pcolormesh(xx,zz,np.zeros((mesh2d.nCy,mesh2d.nCx)),vmin=-1e-2, vmax=1e-2)
cbar = plt.colorbar(im2,format="$10^{%.1f}$",fraction=0.04,orientation="horizontal")
im3 = axs.streamplot(xx, zz, np.zeros((mesh2d.nCy,mesh2d.nCx)), np.zeros((mesh2d.nCy,mesh2d.nCx)),color='k')
im4 = axs.scatter([],[], c='r', s=200)
im5 = axs.scatter([],[], c='r', s=200)

circle1=plt.Circle((-98,-98),45,color='w',fill=False, lw=3)
circle2=plt.Circle((102,-98),45,color='k',fill=False, lw=3)

problem = DC.ProblemDC_CC(mesh)
tinf = np.squeeze(Rx[-1][-1,:3]) + np.array([dl_x,dl_y,0])*10*a
def animate(ii):


if not re.match(stype,'pdp'):

inds = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, np.asarray(Tx[ii]).T )
RHS = mesh.getInterpolationMat(np.asarray(Tx[ii]).T, 'CC').T*( [-1,1] / mesh.vol[inds] )


# Create an "inifinity" pole
tx = np.squeeze(Tx[ii][:,0:1])
#tinf = tx + np.array([dl_x,dl_y,0])*dl_len
inds = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, np.c_[tx,tinf].T)
RHS = mesh.getInterpolationMat(np.c_[tx,tinf].T, 'CC').T*( [-1,1] / mesh.vol[inds] )

if re.match(slvr,'BiCGStab'):

if re.match(pcdr,'Jacobi'):
dA = A.diagonal()
P = sp.spdiags(1/dA,0,A.shape[0],A.shape[0])

# Iterative Solve
Ainvb = sp.linalg.bicgstab(P*A,P*RHS, tol=1e-5)

phi = mkvc(Ainvb[0])

elif re.match(slvr,'LU'):
#Direct Solve
phi = Ainv.solve(RHS)

j = -Msig*Grad*phi
j_CC = mesh.aveF2CCV*j

# Compute charge density solving div*grad*phi
Q = -mesh.faceDiv*mesh.cellGrad*phi

jx_CC = j_CC[0:mesh.nC]
jy_CC = j_CC[(2.*mesh.nC):]

#%% Grab only the core for presentation
F = interpolation.NearestNDInterpolator(mesh.gridCC,jx_CC)
jx_CC_sub = np.reshape(F(xyz2d),[mesh2d.nCx,mesh2d.nCy]).T

F = interpolation.NearestNDInterpolator(mesh.gridCC,jy_CC)
jy_CC_sub = np.reshape(F(xyz2d),[mesh2d.nCx,mesh2d.nCy]).T

F = interpolation.NearestNDInterpolator(mesh.gridCC,Q)
Q_sub = np.reshape(F(xyz2d),[mesh2d.nCx,mesh2d.nCy]).T

J_rho = np.sqrt(jx_CC_sub**2 + jy_CC_sub**2)
lw = np.log10(J_rho/J_rho.min())

global im2, cbar
#axs.pcolormesh(mesh2d.vectorCCx,mesh2d.vectorCCy,np.log10(m2D), alpha=0.25, cmap = 'gray')
im2 = axs.pcolormesh(mesh2d.vectorCCx,mesh2d.vectorCCy,Q_sub, alpha=0.75, vmin=-1e-4,vmax = 1e-4, cmap = 'RdBu')

# Add colorbar
cbar = fig.colorbar(im2, orientation="horizontal",ticks=np.linspace(-1,1, 3))
cbar.set_label("Normalized Charge Density",size=10)

global im3
im3 = axs.streamplot(xx, zz, jx_CC_sub/J_rho.max(), jy_CC_sub/J_rho.max(),color='k',density=0.5, linewidth = lw)

global im4
im4 = axs.scatter(Tx[ii][0,0],Tx[ii][2,0], c='b', s=100, marker='v' )

global im5
im5 = axs.scatter(Tx[ii][0,1],Tx[ii][2,1], c='r', s=100, marker='v' )

plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax, 5)
axs.set_xticks(map(int, x))
axs.set_xticklabels(map(str, map(int, x)),size=12)
z = np.linspace(zmin,zmax, 5)
axs.set_yticks(map(int, z))
axs.set_yticklabels(map(str, map(int, z)),size=12)
#axs.set_title("Conductivity (S/m) and Current")
#im2.set_array(mesh2d.vectorCCx, mesh2d.vectorCCy,jx_CC_sub.T,jy_CC_sub.T)

#return [im1] + [im2]
#%% Create widget
def removeStream():
#global im1

global im2, cbar
global im3
axs.patches = []

global im4

global im5
#def viewInv(msh,iteration):

#, linewidth=lw.T
#interact(viewInv,msh = mesh2d, iteration = IntSlider(min=0, max=len(txii)-1 ,step=1, value=0))
# set embed_frames=True to embed base64-encoded frames directly in the HTML
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate,
frames=survey2D.nSrc, interval=500)'TwoSphere_Current_Anim.html', writer=HTMLWriter(embed_frames=True,fps=1))
Binary file added _images/EM_All_Scales.png
Binary file added _images/EM_diffusion.jpg
Binary file added _images/E_field.gif
Binary file added _images/E_source.gif
Binary file added _images/E_source2.gif
Binary file added _images/E_source3.gif
Binary file added _images/Earth_Field.png
Binary file added _images/Elastic_shear_modulus-subwiki.png
Binary file added _images/Electromagneticwave3D.gif

0 comments on commit 9e9cc46

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