This repo has all my solutions related to the Plutus Pioneer program, part of the Cardano ecosystem. I was part of the Second Cohort.
Those solutions are not necessarily the correct ones, since during the course of the program, I was in a learning process. Therefore, they shouldn't be taken as a final solution or to implement in a production environment.
After installing and using nix-shell.
- Create a root folder, in my case
and add all your repos to it:
- plutus:
- plutus-pioneer-program:
- plutus-program-solutions: this repo (my solutions)
- Open visual studio code.
- Create a workspace on root folder:
- Add all repos desired to the workspace.
- Close visual studio code
- Open a nix-shell and go to root folder
- Execute
code cardano.code-workspace
- That's all! Now you have lint and help docs from visual code.