Project Manager: Leo Ndichu
Git Master: Bonnie Birch
App name: Samantha's Pet and House Care Data Center
Group 2 would like to create a website for Dan's daughter Samantha to use with her pet- and house-sitting business.
There would be a main public page with information on pricing, services, and the ability to register for an initial meeting. Most of the site will exist on the administrator side. Sam will have the ability to import and update existing client information, create new clients, view her appointment schedule, and view business viability information.
- Landing/Home Page
- Appointment Request
- Responsive
- Contact Us
- About Me
- Admin Route with Log In
- Client Database/Tables
- Client profile Management
- Viability Information
- Revenue/Costs Charts
- Unique/Repeat Clients
- Twillio/Texting
- Full Calendar
- Social Media Connections
- Client Log In