This is my practice work for learning ABAP Language concepts : topic of module pool programming (screen programming)
- the use of module pool programing events PBP (Process before Output), PAI (Process after input), POV (Process on value request), POH (Process on Help request )
- creating the "Hello World" module pool programming example
- navigation between screens
- how to use the screen painter utility (SE51 transaction)
- how to create and populate a table using the Table Control Wizard
- how to use subscreens
- how to create modal box screens
- how to create and populate Tabs with Tab Strip Wizard
- how to integrate multiple ABAP programs in a single program
- how to use the AT EXIT-COMMAND to avoid the validation of an I/O control
- how to change the properties of the fields in a screen dynamically at runtime
- how to create and populate a drop-down list control
- how to create and use select-options for selection an interval of values or multiple values individually
- how to create and use multiple subscreens in a single screen
- how to select lines in the table control
- how to use the event "Process on Value Request" with module pool programming
- how to use the event "Process on Help Request" with module pool programming
The source code was committed using ABAPGit and is contained within a package called ZGEORGECA.
Feel free to use the Excel Workbook uploaded in this repository