Releases: geoffmunn/utility-scripts
2.3.0 Workflows
2.3.0 changes
All core functionality now available as a workflow (see examples)
- Triggers and conditions are supported
- Automated testing now done 2x a week
- documentation included
- can accept a user-supplied yml file
First-class support for:
- Lenny <-> LUNC coin send and swap
- Cremat <-> LUNC coin send and swaps
- Candy <-> LUNC coin send and swaps
Other improvements:
- All broadcast results now use the TransactionResult object
- All core functions now have an abstracted wrapper function for scripts and workflows to use
- The wallet password can now be saved to .netrc for convenience and automation
- Missing IBC denoms table now detected and built
- logic improved for empty wallets
- Undelegation end dates are now correct
- Improvements to UI - more unicode glyphs to make it visually appealing
- Send function now also checks the recipient balance to see if it's arrived
- Results display now follows a standardised approach
- All functions are now documented
- Governance votes now take a memo
- Fee deductibles added to offChain swaps
- getUserNumber() function revised and tested
- findAddressInWallet() function added
- findValidatorByName() function added
- check_database() function added to and
- is_digit custom function removed
What's Changed
- 2.3.0 workflows by @geoffmunn in #21
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0
v2.2.0 Osmosis Liquidity
V2.2.0 now has the final part of Osmosis support. And as a last-minute addition - Garuda Token support is also included.
- Liquidity support added
- You can join and exit liquidity pools
- Pool summary for LUNC pools now provided
- Wallet list only shows osmo wallets for liquidity transactions
- Lots and lots of improvements to the UX
- Balance list now shows value of wallet in USD
- Denom traces are now saved to the database for extra speed
- LUNA, e-Money added to swap options
- Broadcasts are now semi-asyncrounous and now seem to have 100% success rate
- GRDX supported for swapping between LUNC and GRDX
- Sending of GRDX is supported between terra addresses
Some wallet listings are now much faster, depending on the action and required details.
Other improvements:
- Addresses are now listed next to wallet names for improved visibility
- Wallets with no balances now list correctly
- Gas listing failures now carry on instead of exiting
- Validator code tidied up
- Balance pagination now actually works
- On-chain send transaction summaries now work
- Osmosis database now checks for recent updates
Specifically tested to work with v2.1.3 of Terra Classic SDK
What's Changed
- 2.1.0 asynchronous wallets by @geoffmunn in #17
Full Changelog: v2.0.0_Refactored_codebase...v2.1.0_asynchronous_wallets
2.0.0 Refactored codebase
First and biggest change: a massive code refactoring to move all transaction types into separate classes.
Additional changes:
- Tax rate lookup now uses built-in system
- Tax rate URI now in error message if there is a failure on non-Terra chains
- IBC routes are now dynamically generated
- USTC can now be used as a swap route option if OSMO is not available
- IBC routes displayed in transaction summary
- Disabled native Terra coins are now filtered out
- Lots and lots of Osmosis swap options added (too many to list, see
- Osmosis wallet addresses can now be created in
- Final sent and received amounts displayed in summary
- Constants file tidied up, less keyword duplication
- Liquidity availability checked before a pool is used
- Price lookups are now a single request and cached for duration of script
- Balances report values made consistent - no more zero values
- Precision calculation improved, now dynamically generated
- Governance options now available via
- Voting on proposals now available
1.6.0 Osmosis Support
Supporting release for Terra Classic SDK 2.1.0 and Terra Classic Proto 3.0.2
What's Changed
- 1.6.0 ibc sends and swaps by @geoffmunn in #11
Full Changelog: 1.5.0...v1.6.0_osmosis_support
New features include:
- Osmosis support
- wETH
- non-Terra chains now supported (mainly around different decimal precision)
- Price requests attempt 10 times before quitting
- Error trapping improved
- Version detection improved
- FindTransaction logic fixed
Supporting release for v2.0.9
This is the accompanying release for v2.0.9
New features include:
- Support for BASE token
- swaps
- send to other addresses
- undelegations
- Undelegation and validator logic improved, made faster
- Validator list now only includes active validators
- Should fix issues in wallet management
- version checks now made when scripts are run
New SDK support
New features:
- terra_classic_sdk is now the default library
- Swaps now fully supported for:
- LUNC <-> KRT
- USTC <-> KRT
- USTC <-> Minor coins
- KRT <-> Minor coins
- Terra addresses now validated
- Empty wallets can now be used
- Error catching and code quality improvements
- Fee calculation now supports non-LUNC fees
- Coin names can be used instead of index numbers
- Out of gas error detection fixed
- UI improvements on all scripts
Validator support
New features:
- delegations now supported
- undelegations now supported
- pending undelegations now listed
- swap validators now supported
- gas adjustment fee now 1
- swaps still at 3
- new wallets can be created in configure script
- code refactoring
- endpoints now use publicnodes
- display of delegated amount fixed in table summary
Gas discovery
This release provides stability and robustness for transactions and user inputs.
There should now be zero failed transactions unless the network is unavailable.
New functionality includes:
- Automatic gas discovery. If a transaction fails because the gas fee is too low, it will try again until a value is found that works.
- Transactions are now specifically searched-for on the chain before a successful message is returned
Improvements include:
- now shows the delegated balance (LUNC-only at the moment)
- User inputs are sanitised and validated
- send transaction now supports percentages
- retained amount raised to 250 LUNC
- Table outputs now made more consistent and easier to read
- Code refactoring for re-use
v1.1.0 Extended functionality
This release builds on the basic functionality from v1.0.0.
New functionality includes:
- Viewing the balances across all your wallets
- Sending LUNC to other addresses
Improvements include:
- better user feedback via script output
- fee & tax calculations are done properly, not based on error logs
- code has been restructured for reusability