ASF MCE (Mass Config Editor) is a tool to edit multiple properties in multiple JSON files of ArchiSteamFarm simply and quickly.
It also allows you to send IPC commands and shows 2FA codes.
You can download pre-installed package or install from source code.
Download latest release and copy the ASF folder into ASF MCE folder.
git clone
npm i
Then copy the ASF folder into ASF MCE folder.
The final folder structure should be like:
├─ ASF/
│ ├─ config/
│ │ ├─ bot_01.json
│ │ └─ ...
│ ├─ ArchiSteamFarm.exe
│ └─ ...
├─ css/
├─ img/
├─ js/
├─ node_modules/
├─ index.html
└─ ...
Double click ASF_MCE.cmd
to start ASF MCE.
- "Local Bots Config" button: toggle properties editing buttons. You can select properties which you want to change (Enabled, Paused, SteamUserPermissions, GamesPlayedWhileIdle, SteamMasterClanID, More); only selected (green) properties will be changed in your config files.
- "Save" button: save changes to config files.
Remember to backup your config files before editing!
- Boolean properties: if it's clicked (green) it will be true, otherwise (red) it will be false.
- String or number properties: an input dialog will popup.
- "More" button: you can add any other key-value properties in valid JSON structure like this:
{"OnlineStatus": 1, "IdleRefundableGames": false, "AutoSteamSaleEvent": true}
- "Selection" button: toggle bot selection buttons, include
Ignore None / Ignore All
,One by One / Range
. The range selection will be used in IPC commands. - Click bot name: toggle given bot selection (selected / ignored).
Ignored bots' config files won't be edited.
Card background:
- Green: bot is selected.
- Gray: bot is ignored.
Card border:
- Orange: bot is disabled.
- Cadetblue: bot is enabled and paused.
- Green: bot is enabled.
- Aqua: bot is online.
- Double click bot name: Copy 2FA code of given bot, you must have imported ASF 2FA. The code will be copied to clipboard and show up 10 seconds.
- Button 1: will open a new window in chrome as an app with given bot's steam profile. All cached data, session, cookies and passwords will be stored in
. If you press Ctrl when click, the nwjs window will be opened instead of Chrome. - Button 2: start given bot by IPC command.
- Button 3: stop given bot by IPC command.
- Button 4: not implement yet.
- "IPC" button: toggle IPC command UI.
- "Log" button: toggle log.
This is my first attempt to use git and GitHub, so Keep Calm and Git Gud!