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3a. Festival Menu Forms UI

Genboy edited this page Jul 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

Menu (UI)

Festival Menu

Festival main menu

Start menu select management option


Select teleport destination

Select teleport destination


Area management option menu

Area option menu

Select area to manage

Select area

Manage area settings

Edit area settings

Manage area y-scale

Edit area y-scale

Manage area flags

Edit area flags

Manage area commands

Manage commands for area events

Add command

Edit or add commands to area

using the @p reference in the command to target the player (/heal command is an example, comes from another plugin)

Del or change command (by id)

Edit or add commands to area

Delete: Leave command empty and input 'delete cmd id' to delete id linked command. Change: Set event type, enter command and input 'edit cmd id' to change that id linked command

Manage area Whitelist

Manage area whitelist

Set players on or off area whitelist (this is in development)

Select area to delete

Delete area

Confirm to delete area

Cofirm area delete


Select new area type

Select new area type Hold the magic item - 201 purpur block by defaults, set in configs Tab positions with the magic block, meanwhile use other blocks to build in between.

Set area positions

Cube Diagonal
1. Place or break the first diagonal position for new cube area
2. Place or break position 2 to set the longest diagonal in the new cube area
Sphere Radius
1. Place or break the center position for the new sphere area
2. Place or break position 2 to set the radius for new sphere area
Sphere Diameter
1. Place or break the first diameter position for the new sphere area
2. Place or break position 2 to set the diameter for new sphere area

Create area with Name (and description)

Create area with name and description


Select level to manage flags

Select level

Manage level flags options

Edit level flags(defaults)


Manage Festival configuration options and set default flags

Manage configuration

Copyright Genboy 2018 - 2019