By Ing. Jimmy Figueroa
This project demonstrates the Camel Content Based Router (CBR) pattern in Apache Camel, it takes in a call to a RESTful endpoint, passing an XML message as parameter.
A camel route inspect the inbound XML message for content (i.e. Topic), then routes the call to either Endpoint1 or Endpoint2. Both target endpoints are NodeJS server samples. t.skip=true clean installessage to the calling Client
To build this project use
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install
To run the NodeJS endpoints 1 and 2 run the following commands in separate unix terminal tabs:
cd <root_endpoint1>
node app.js # runs in port 3000
cd <root_ednpoint2>
node app.js # runs in port 4000
Before building and running this quick start you need:
- Maven 3.1.1 or higher
- JDK 1.7 or 1.8
- JBoss Fuse 7
- NodeJS
- Check pom.xml for JBoss Fuse dependencies needed to intall (ie. feature:install camel-http)
- Change your working directory to
Start JBoss Fuse
In the JBoss Fuse console, enter the following command:
osgi:install -s mvn:com.mycompany/camel-test-blueprint/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Fuse should give you an id when the bundle is deployed
You can check that everything is ok by issuing the command:
your bundle should be present at the end of the list
Check log for no errors: log:tail
As soon as the Camel route has been started, enter your unix terminal and type:
curl -H "content-type:application/json" -X GET --data '<message><topic>workflow</topic></message>' http://localhost:8383/test
Inspect Endpoint2 NodeJS console, watch the call and returning JSON
Client should have received a JSON message back
Type another curl command as Client:
curl -H "content-type:application/json" -X GET --data '<message><topic>entity</topic></message>' http://localhost:8383/test
Inspect Endpoint1 NodeJS console, watch the call and returning JSON
Client should have received a different JSON message back
To complete the use case required, the following features will need to be added in future versions:
- ActiveMQ
- MQ persistence to a DB (ie. MySQL)
- Pass inbound JSON messages
- Move variables to .cfg file (ie. endpoints URLs)