This Symfony bundle augments geekcell/php-ddd with framework-specific implementations to enable seamless domain driven design in a familiar environment.
To use this bundle, require it in Composer
composer require geekcell/ddd-bundle
This bundle adds several MakerBundle commands to generate commonly used components.
In order to use them in your Symfony project, you need to require it with composer first
composer require symfony/maker-bundle
make:ddd:command Creates a new command class and handler
make:ddd:controller Creates a new controller class
make:ddd:model Creates a new domain model class
make:ddd:query Creates a new query class and handler
make:ddd:resource Creates a new API Platform resource
The domain model is a representation of the domain concepts and business logic within your project. The repository on the other hand is an abstraction layer that provides a way to access and manipulate domain objects without exposing the details of the underlying data persistence mechanism (such as a database or file system).
Since Doctrine is the de-facto persistence layer for Symfony, this bundle also provides an (opinionated) implementation for a Doctrine-based repository.
This command can be used to generate:
- The domain model class.
- A repository class for the model.
- The model's identity class as value object (optional).
- A Doctrine database entity configuration, either as annotation or separate config file (optional).
- A custom Doctrine type for the model's identity class (optional).
Creates a new domain model class
make:ddd:model [options] [--] [<name>]
name The name of the model class (e.g. Customer)
--aggregate-root Marks the model as aggregate root
--entity=ENTITY Use this model as Doctrine entity
--with-identity=WITH-IDENTITY Whether an identity value object should be created
--with-suffix Adds the suffix "Model" to the model class name
Optionally, by inheriting from AggregateRoot
, you can make a model class an aggregate root, which is used to encapsulate a group of related objects, along with the behavior and rules that apply to them. The aggregate root is usually responsible for managing the lifecycle of the objects within the aggregate, and for coordinating any interactions between them.
The AggregateRoot
base class comes with some useful functionality to record and dispatch domain events, which represent significant occurrences or state changes within the domain of a software system.
// src/Domain/Event/OrderPlacedEvent.php
use GeekCell\Ddd\Contracts\Domain\Event as DomainEvent;
readonly class OrderPlacedEvent implements DomainEvent
public function __construct(
public Order $order,
) {
// src/Domain/Model/Order.php
use GeekCell\DddBundle\Domain\AggregateRoot;
class Order extends AggregateRoot
public function save(): void
$this->record(new OrderPlacedEvent($this));
// ...
// Actual usage ...
$order = new Order( /* ... */ );
$order->commit(); // All recorded events will be dispatched and released
Hint: If you want to dispatch an event directly, use AggregateRoot::dispatch()
instead of AggregateRoot::record()
If you cannot (or don't want to) extend from AggregateRoot
, you can alternative use DispatchableTrait
to add dispatching capabilities to any class. The former is however the recommended way.
You can use CommandBus
and QueryBus
as services to implement CQRS. Internally, both buses will use the Symfony messenger to dispatch commands and queries.
These commands can be used to generate:
- A command and command handler class.
- A query and query handler class.
The query / command generated is just an empty class. The handler class is registered as a message handler for the configured Symfony Messenger.
Creates a new query|command class and handler
make:ddd:query|command [<name>]
name The name of the query|command class (e.g. Customer)
// src/Application/Query/TopRatedBookQuery.php
use GeekCell\Ddd\Contracts\Application\Query;
readonly class TopRatedBooksQuery implements Query
public function __construct(
public string $category,
public int $sinceDays,
public int $limit = 10,
) {
// Getters etc.
// src/Application/Query/TopRatedBookQueryHandler.php
use GeekCell\Ddd\Contracts\Application\QueryHandler;
class TopRatedBookQueryHandler implements QueryHandler
public function __construct(
private readonly BookRepository $repository,
) {
public function __invoke(TopRatedBookQuery $query)
$books = $this->repository
->findTopRated($query->category, $query->sinceDays)
return $books;
// src/Infrastructure/Http/Controller/BookController.php
use GeekCell\Ddd\Contracts\Application\QueryBus;
class BookController extends AbstractController
public function __construct(
private readonly QueryBus $queryBus,
) {
public function getTopRated(Request $request)
$query = new TopRatedBooksQuery( /* extract from request */ );
$topRatedBooks = $this->queryBus->dispatch($query);
// ...
A standard Symfony controller, but augmented with command and query bus(es).
This command can be used to generate a controller with optional QueryBus
and CommandBus
Creates a new controller class
make:ddd:controller [options] [--] [<name>]
name The name of the model class (e.g. Customer)
--include-query-bus Add a query bus dependency
--include-command-bus Add a command bus dependency
An API Platform resource, but instead of using the standard approach of using a combined entity/resource approach, it is preferred to separate model (domain layer) and API Platform specific resource (infrastructure layer)
Minimum required API Platform version is 2.7 for the new metadata system.
Creates a new API Platform resource
make:ddd:resource [options] [--] [<name>]
name The name of the model class to create the resource for (e.g. Customer). Model must exist already.
--config Config flavor to create (attribute|xml).