This repo contains the code to follow along with GDSC at UIC's Web Dev Crash Course series. You can download it by clicking the green "Code" button and selecting "Download ZIP".
Download it and make it your own! Here are some helpful resources to get you started:
This repo includes completed code up to our CSS event. If you'd like to build out the Javascript portion of the website, we highly suggest following along with us as we built it in the Javascript event. You can find the recording here. We go over what is neccessary to know for the event, but you can find more resources on learning Javascript here:
- This is a general walkthrough of Javascript you can follow:
- This guide divides Javascript subjects into more specific topics:
You can create plenty of things just knowing HTML, CSS, and Javascript! Calling APIs and manipulating the DOM with data is a powerful combination that enables you to create dynamic web pages or even turn your website into a web application.
If you're ever wondering how to do something, just Google it! You'll get plenty of results, look for whatever you think is relevant or "refine your search" until you find what you're looking for.
If you want to go beyond the basics, here are some topics you can look into:
- Node.js to run Javascript outside of the browser (e.g. on a server) or get the necessary tools to build a web application
- React is a popular Javascript library for building websites
- Vue is another popular Javascript library for building websites
- Typescript is a superset of Javascript that allows you to add types to your Javascript code
- MongoDB is a NoSQL database
- PostgreSQL is a SQL database
The internet is full of resources to learn these topics, so don't be afraid to look around!