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GitOps based infrastructure automation solution for managing networking devices.

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Network Automation Using GitHub Actions

Project Overview

Network automation framework based on the following GitOps Principles:

  • GitHub is assumed to be the Single Source of Truth - all data related to the definition of the solution is documented here
  • All device configurations are defined as code and stored in a distributed version control system repository
  • Configuration files are in raw format and use a declarative language syntax to describe the desired system state
  • All configuration changes are initiated via Git and are implemented programmatically via GitHub Actions
  • Manual changes by directly modifying device configurations are not permitted
  • Configurations are immutable - incremental changes are not permitted
  • Devices' configuration is either fully replaced (config replace) via TFTP or a device is wiped clean when powered off and new config is loaded via DHCP upon reboot
  • Rollbacks are simplified with a single command (git revert HEAD)
  • Devices' actual state is continuously monitored and compared to the desired state
  • Alerts are generated if any configuration changes resulting in deviation from the desired state are detected
  • GitHub documents the entire history of past changes (who did what, when, and why) and all team collaboration (pull requests, issue tracking, comments)

Solution Components

  • GitHub repository - the source of truth for device configurations
  • GitHub Actions self-hosted runner - connects to this repo and runs the workflow job when a config file change is committed
  • Ubuntu 20.04 Docker container - hosts the GitHub Actions runner and the TFTP server
  • Opengear OOB access server - bare metal server running the Docker Engine
  • Unimus - network automation tool for mass config push, device backup, config audit, and drift detection
  • Slack - Unimus config change notifications, GitHub repo activities notifications, and GitHub issues actions
  • Zapier - workflow automation tool generating GitHub issues from the config change notifications sent from Unimus to Slack

Reference Architecture


Workflow steps

  • Network operator proposes a change to modify a device(s)' configuration state
    • Standard change - a low-risk change that's pre-approved and follows documented, repeatable tasks
      • clone this repo
      • modify the device configuration files(s)
      • commit and push directly to the main branch
    • Normal change - a moderate or high-risk change that requires code review and approval prior to deployment
      • clone this repo, create a new branch and publish it
      • modify the device configuration files(s)
      • commit changes to the new branch and push to origin
      • create a pull request to submit proposed change(s)
      • pull request peer review
      • pre-deployment testing (functional/integration/performance) for complex and high-risk changes
      • pull request approval and merge based on validation test results
  • GitHub Actions workflow is triggered
  • Self-hosted runner starts running the job(s)
  • Unimus starts the mass config push to the selected devices
  • Static testing (syntax check/config validation) by the device NOS
  • Devices' configuration is replaced and saved
  • Operator gets a Slack notification describing the config change(s)
  • Unimus continuously backs up and audits devices' operational state and generates alerts if config drift is detected
  • If a device's configuration is changed manually, network operator will get a Slack message describing the change which will in turn automatically create a new GitHub issue
  • Operator can take action on the issue directly from Slack (assign, label, close, reopen)
  • Assigning a label will start a corresponding GitHub actions workflow to restore the device's modified current state config to match it's desired state config as described in the GitHub repo


Download and run Ubuntu on Opengear

sudo -i
docker pull ubuntu
docker run -it ubuntu

Install required packages

apt update && apt upgrade -y

apt install apt-utils curl git iputils-ping tftpd-hpa vim wget -y
apt install software-properties-common -y

Install GitHub CLI, login to GitHub and store GH credentials in git

  • Create a Personal Access Token: > profile pic > Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Generate new token: repo, read:org
type -p curl >/dev/null || (apt update && apt install curl -y)
curl -fsSL | dd of=/usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg \
&& chmod go+r /usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg \
&& echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list > /dev/null \
&& apt update \
&& apt install gh -y

gh auth login ( > HTTPS > n > Paste an authentication token)

git config --global credential.helper store

Create a new user and directories

useradd -ms /bin/bash siteadmin && su siteadmin
mkdir /home/siteadmin/actions-runner && mkdir /home/siteadmin/actions-runner/network-automation-github-actions

Configure and start the TFTP service as root

cat /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
vi /etc/default/tftpd-hpa


# start the TFTP service
/etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa start

# and verify that it's running
service --status-all

Clone this repo

su siteadmin
cd /home/siteadmin/actions-runner/
git clone

Modify file permissions

chmod 755

Download, extract, configure, and run the GitHub Actions self-hosted runner

  • Get the version number and the token from: > repo > Settings > Actions > Runners > New runner > New self-hosted runner
curl -o actions-runner-linux-x64-2.305.0.tar.gz -L

tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-x64-2.305.0.tar.gz

./ --url --token <TOKEN>


Connected to GitHub
Listening for Jobs


After container or Opengear restart

  • Verify that the Ubuntu container still has the .2 IP address
  • Start the TFTP service as root and the GitHub Actions runner as siteadmin
/etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa start
service --status-all

su siteadmin
cd /home/siteadmin/actions-runner/

Reconfigure self-hosted runner after deleting it on GitHub

rm .runner
./ --url --token <TOKEN>