MikroTik CAPsMAN Automation contains RouterOS scripts and function that all together gives you a complex CAPsMAN Automation: simple sync mechanism, reporting, moniroring as well automation of administrative tasks. This repository may use some scripts from 🔗 RouterOS_Useful_Scripts. Here you can find script template that I use 🔗 RouterOS_Script_Template.
10/17/2019 update code fixes
- CAPsMAN_Status.rsc
10/17/2019 update code fixes
- CAPsMAN_Auto_SSID_Pass_Change.rsc
- CAPsMAN_Package_Auto_Download.rsc
8/4/2019 first release - CAPsMAN General Automation
- CAPsMAN_CAP_Package_Auto_Download.rsc
- CAPsMAN_CAP_Package_Auto_Install.rsc - CAPsMAN Automated Sync
- CAPsMAN_Interfaces_Count.rsc
- CAPsMAN_Interfaces_Import.rsc
- CAPsMAN_Interfaces_Remove.rsc - CAPsMAN Reporting
- CAPsMAN_Status.rsc
- ✅ RouterOS v6.40 or higher
Fetches RouterOS_String_Generator.rsc and adds it to scheduler. Generated string is added as new passphrase to pointed SSIDs based on scheduler.
$AutoPassChange url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gbudny93/RouterOS_Useful_Scripts/master/RouterOS_String_Generator.rsc" \
destinationPath="scripts" destinationFileName="RouterOS_String_Generator.rsc" scriptName=scriptName securityProfile=securityProfileName \
smtpServer=smtpServer smtpPort=smtpPort domain=example.com recipient=recipient@example.com;
Downloads latest RouterOS package if newer version available. Upgrades RouterOS and sends email notification.
$PackageAutoDownload userName=userName password=password packagePath=path \
smtpServer=ipAddress smtpPort=poty domain=@example.com \
recipient=recipient@example.com capsmanIP=capsmanIP;
Performs sync process of CAPsMAN features between primary CAPsMAN and backup controllers. Ensures pseudo HA keeping the same configuration on all systems modifying only primary.
Supported features:
- Sync CAP interfaces
- Email notifications
- Determine primary CAPsMAN based on condition
- Sync channels
- Sync provisioning
- Sync ACL
- Sync configurations
- Sync custom parameters of RouterOS
- Functions based
Example: RouterOS_Interfaces_Count.rsc must be run on primary CAPsMAN RouterOS_Interfaces_Remove.rsc must be run on backup CAPsMAN RouterOS_Interfaces_Import.rsc must be run on backup CAPsMAN
Set of scripts that performs some simple reporting on this what is going on with wireless environment from controller perspective.
Send general RouterOS and CAPsMAN status information via email.
$CAPsMANStatus smtpServer=smtpServer smtpPort=smtpPort domain=domain recipient=recipient@example.com;
- Grzegorz Budny