Monitors the following: Windows Servers CPU + RAM usage IIS Response time and Status Codes Azure Load Balancers
To monitor the Azure Resources you will need a service Principle and create a credentials file. If monitoring from a Windows host you can use the azureMonitoringCreds.xml.
Unfortunatley due to some of the current limitations of powershell core, you are not able to use this method for Unix hosts.
Instead create two files /opt/monitoring/appID.txt
and /opt/monitoring/appPW.txt
with the application ID and Password in,
then be sure to CHMOD the files to only allow root access:
chown root:root pw.txt
chmod 700 pw.txt
Example below:
# ************ GENERATE New AZURE SP CREDS AND FILE ************
$password = "password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
# Create the Azure AD App now, this is the directory services record which identifies an application to AAD
$NewAADApp = New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName "azureMonitoringCreds" `
-HomePage "" `
-IdentifierUris "" `
-Password $password
# Create a Service Principal in Azure AD
New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $NewAADApp.ApplicationID
# Grant access to Service Prinicpal for accessing resources in the whole sub
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionName "Contributor" `
-ServicePrincipalName $NewAADApp.ApplicationId `
-Scope "/subscriptions/$(Get-AzureRmSubscription).Id"
# Export creds to disk (encrypted using DAPI)
Get-Credential -UserName $NewAADApp.ApplicationId -Message 'Enter App password' |
Export-CLixml -Path "azureMonitoringCreds.xml"
$app = Get-AzureRmADApplication -IdentifierUri ""
$appID = $app.ApplicationId
Get-Credential -UserName $appID -Message 'Enter App password' |
Export-CLixml -Path "azureMonitoringCreds.xml"
There is also a "hostsListFile.txt" which is specificed at runtime, this is a plain text file with hostnames to monitor. Be sure to populate this!
You will also need Pode for this to run.
Once you have the above Service Principle created, get the tennant ID for your Azure subscription and run the following:
# To call with slack notifications
$portNo = 8085 # MANDATORY
$hostsListFile = ".\hostslist.txt" # MANDATORY
$alertType = "<EMAIL or SLACK>" # MANDATORY (If empty no alerts take place)
$slackChannel = "@username"
$LBname = "<Load Balancer Name>"
$tenantID = "This can be pulled from azure with get-azurermsubscription once logged in"
.\check_server_health.ps1 -Port $portNo -hostsListFile $hostsListFile -slackURI $slackURI -slackChannel $slackChannel `
-alertType $alertType -LBrg $LBrg -LBname $LBname -tenantID $tenantID
You can instead pass Email Configuration.
- smtpUser
- smtpPassword
- smtpServer (IP or hostname is fine)
- smtpAlertTarget (an email address to send to)
monitor event log IDs capture logs graph responses