This project uses .NET 8
- Clone git repo to your local station
If cloned, navigate to the folder with
Navigate to
and set up OpenAI section as follows- "ChatModelId": "gpt-4o-mini", <- chat completion
- "EmbeddingModelId": "text-embedding-3-small",
- "AudioToTextModelId": "whisper-1",
- "TextToAudioModelId": "tts-1",
- "ApiKey": "xxx"
SQLite is already set up in
- "DemoRepository": "Data Source=demo.db"
- Right click on the
project in the Solution Explorer - On the options list select
Manage User Secrets
and add- "OpenAI": { "ApiKey": "xxx" <- paste your API key }
- On the top left corner of the Visual Studio navigate to
View/Other Windows/Package Manager Console
- In the terminal type
Add-Migration InitialCreate
(creates Migrations folder) then, - Type
- This should create a
file and apply migrations fromMigrations
- Once migrations are set up and our appsettings are configured, run the app and have a play word associaton with AI
- When finish talk during the game, press spacebar to continue, send message to Assistatnt and wait for Assistant response
- To stop conversation simply say stop and press spacebar