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Copyright 2024 UniSR, Gabriel Baud-Bovy <>

Background information

REDCap is an organization that provides web-based software to manage research projects. The REDCap server includes a RESTful web service (aka REDCap API) for developing software clients capable of storing and retreiving data from the project database. The REDCap API provides a large set of methods to manage the project in addition of storing and retrieving data.

This repository contains matlab functions to manage a REDCap project via REDCap API.

The repository includes:

  • matlab/: folder with matlab functions (must be included in Matlab path)
  • project/: forlder with data dictionaries of REDCap projects used in the examples
  • html/: documentation generated from the examples with matlab publish
  • redcap_basic_example.m and redcap_longitudinal_example.m: two scripts illustrating how to use the Matlab API.

The functions require a REDCap API token for authentication, which can be found in the REDCAP project (ask REDCap administrator in your institution if you don't see it). REDCap tokens are project specific. Access rights provided by a token are the same as the access rights of the REDCAP user.

The functions have been tested on Windows 10 and Windows 11 with Matlab 2023b. They should be compatible with any matlab version supporting MATLAB RESTful web services and functions to communicate with REDCap web server.

The software is distributed with MIT license and copyrigth notice. The software was originally developped at San Raffaele University for the telecyclette project funded by the Velux foundation.

Matlab Redcap API

The following tables include all services supported by REDcap API. THhe second column reports the name of the corresponding matlab function. Currently, the MATLAB API includes functions only for a subset of REDCAP service. Feedback and contributions are wellcome.

Data management

REDCAP service Matlab function Notes
Export records redcap_read
Import records redcap_write, redcap_write_record
Delete records redcap_delete Not tested
Rename records
Generate next record name
Export a file redcap_read_file Download a file
Import a file redcap_write_file Upload a file
Delete a file

Project management

REDCAP service Matlab function Notes
Create Project
Export arms
Import arms
Delete arms
Export events redcap_read_events For longitudinal project
Import events For longitudinal project
Delete events For longitudinal project
Export metadata redcap_read_dictionary Download data dictionary
Import metadata
Export list of field names

Users & User Privileges

REDCAP service Matlab function Notes
Export users
Import users
Delete users
Export DAGs
Import DAGs
Delete DAGs
Switch DAGs
Export user-DAG assignment
Import user-DAG assignment
Export user roles
Import user roles
Delete user roles
Export user-role assignement
Import user-role assignement

File repository

REDCAP service Matlab function Notes
Create folder
Export list of files
Export file
Import file
Delete file


Matlab functions for REDCap RESTful API








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