ES-Intro Cheatsheet of new ECMAScript features and syntax. ES6/ES2015 const and let variables.js Template Literals strings.js Rest Parameters and Spread Operator spread-rest.js Default Function Parameters default.js for...of for.js Arrow Functions arrows.js Destructing destructuring.js Classes class.js Promise, Set & Map objects.js Some new methods methods.js Modules (export & import) modules.js ES7/ES2016 Includes includes.js Exponentiation exponentiation.js ES8/ES2017 async & await async-await.js String padding pad.js Object.values() & Object.entries() object-values-entries.js ES9/ES2018 Spread & Rest for object properties spread-rest-properties.js Promise finally promise-finally.js Regex improvements regex.js ES10/ES2019 flat & flatMap flat.js fromEntries fromEntries.js Optional catch binding optional-catch-binding.js trimStart & trimEnd trim-start-end.js ES11/ES2020 Promise.allSettled allSettled.js BigInt bigInt.js Dynamic import dynamic-import.js matchAll matchAll.js Nullish coalescing nullish-coalescing.js Optional chaining optional-chaining.js ES12/ES2021 Numeric separators numeric-separators.js replaceAll replaceAll.js Promise.any promise-any.js Logical assignment logical-assignment.js WeakRef WeakRef.js ES13/ES2022 Top-Level await top-level-await.mjs .at() at.js Error cause error-cause.js Object.hasOwn has-own.js RegExp indices /d flag regexp-d-flag New class elements new-class-elements.js in operator for private fields and methods private-field-in.js ES14/ES2023 Array find from last array-find-from-last.js Change array by copy array-by-copy.js Hashbang hashbang.js Symbols as keys in weak collections symbol-in-weak.js ES15/ES2024 Array Grouping array-grouping.js Promise.withResolvers promise-withResolvers.js Well formed strings well-formed.js Atomics waitAsync atomics-waitAsync.js RegExp unicodeSets regexp-unicodesets.js ArrayBuffer resize and transfer arraybuffer.js Presentation New Things in JavaScript Presentation in folder demo-6-8, and hosted at Beyond ES6 - New Things in JavaScript Presentation in folder demo-7-11, and hosted at Releases